Oct 13, 2010 04:18
Mom said she ordered me a bunch of stuff for my birthday, and I was surprised cause she never asked me what I needed.
Possible birthday scenario:
Mom: They had turtlenecks on clearance, so I got you five in all pastel colors!
Jade: ..... Bugger.
It's one of those nights where I really want to sleep, but my stomach is really upset and having none of that. I still can't breathe either. They are completely rearranging the store, so imagine years of built-up dust and mold being thrown up around me all day. Fun--um NOT.
I complained about the damn loud pothead neighbors to someone in the other building that I used to work with, and the last two nights have been...quiet. It's making me nervous. Last time I complained to the manager about vandalizing residents, the bastards outed me, and then my window got busted, and my windshield broken. Like, I'm serious, I am worried.
bad neighbors,
annoying neighbors