cripples r us

Aug 07, 2010 05:11

So this woman comes to check everyone at work's blood pressure, part of our stoopid "wellness program", aka obamataxbreak. She takes mine three times. I was starting to wonder what was going on.

My blood pressure was up insanely! Usually mine is really low, and my heart rate as well, it's usually so low that when I'm having a terrible asthma attack I still read in normal/average levels, but now it was just short of "Get Thee to a Hospital Immediately" level. She looked really worried. Family history of such aside--can one's body change so much in two months?--I asked, "Could my BP and stuff be up because of intense pain?"

She says, "Yeah...but it would have to be really bad pain...excruciatingly bad pain for that to happen." She looked down at my legs like to see if I had some half-severed limb or something, I don't know. I have shredded ligaments that I have to stand on all day. How about that? And bone spurs longer than fingers. That I've pounded on so hard they've curved under....

No wonder I've been feeling like my heart has been rocketing along and even my veins hurt. Cause my heart is beating like crazy and my blood is pounding through my veins like crazy. Course, now I have new things to worry about. Mom is worried I'm going to have a heart attack. She wants me to go get on heart meds now :P Yeah, my regular doc wouldn't even LOOK at my sore feet when I went in for that. I asked her why I feel like I've been beat with boards all night every day and she told me she didn't believe in fibromyalgia and it was all in my head. Whoever said anything about fibromyalgia? So I doubt I'd get anything outta that bint but bills.

I was hurting so bad at the end of work that I was almost screaming. I'm not sure how I am going to get through today. I'm really worried. At some point I'm going to go down and not get back up again.

I fell asleep when I got home, after laying hoping that pain would let up a little, so I am up now trying to do laundry so I have clothes to wear for work. I just stepped on something sharp on the floor and am trying not to cry like a girl. Those expensive ultrasound treatments did not work, dammit. I'm just shaking here from pain. If I'm not getting anymore crappy Motrin, then I'm not wasting it for times when I'm not at work.

All these people at work keep telling me about how they hurt themselves and the doc gave them super painkillers to shut them up. All I got was Motrin 800. Which just gives me a headache. You'd think he could give me something better for at home, after work, so I could sleep. I haven't had eight hours of sleep in three weeks! If my knees weren't so damn sore too and prone to getting out of socket I'd just crawl around on all fours in here. The foot doc said to me, "Your condition is extremely painful". But he won't give me a note for work so that I can have a stool, or anything more powerful than over the counter drugs.

Oh yeah, note to self, soaking sore feet in warm water just making them hurt more. Don't do that again.

I go back Wednesday to the stupid podiatrist. He's planning on sticking that four inch long needle through my foot again. *shudder* Till then and after it sucks to be me!

I tried writing something the other day before my sharp downswing. I got about two pages out, but I can't think of any way to go on. My writing sucks when I'm sick or hurt. Oh well.

bad foot, stupid work, pain

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