(no subject)

Aug 03, 2010 21:43

If you want an idea of how humid it's been here:

There's a horse there (Ms. Rachel, 27 and feeling fine). She's standing alongside a barn. 'What barn?" you say. Exactly.

I'm trying to force myself to stay upright here. I'm not feeling too well at all.

The boss decided this week I would work mornings every other day, and nights the rest. Thanks, I knew I was getting too much sleep! /sarcasm

So I had to be in work early this morning. This meant I had to skip an ultrasound treatment, which I'm getting daily doses of for a second week and seems to be helping somewhat. I'm getting both feet done, cause the left one has taken a nosedive, and I guess I'm getting the "extreme bad cases' dosage". I was trying to do laundry last night and I stepped on some kid's toy in the lawn with my bad foot and almost screamed.

I got some more explanation about my condition finally. The d00d does not want to explain anything, and when he does he does it in baby talk when I want scientific terms. The foot doc told me the big ligament in the bottom of my foot was getting torn and trying to pull off the bone, so the body's response is to make more bone there to shore it up. Then the tissues react badly to the new bone growing into the ligaments and soft tissues and then comes inflammation and terrible pain. I can see this requiring surgery eventually, and I've talked to like ten people who have had it done, and got responses ranging from "was walking in two days" to "four months in a cast".

I really wanted to call in to work today. I only got about five hours of sleep and threw up twice in the night, and I'm still quite queasy. Plus my feet are off the charts in pain. I haven't called in sick in like three years or more. I couldn't remember if I was essential personnel or not today. (I wasn't, as it turned out, but I can tell you I did fifty times more work than Jabba.) Plus, my hours had been cut and I was working about 25% of my time this week today, so I dragged myself in.

Close to the end of my shift, I heard some upset discussion behind me. Somebody had lost something. I asked what, and two older women gave me dirty looks, but they told me the one had dropped fifty dollars somewhere in the store and she couldn't find it. She was near tears.

I started scanning around, and spotted something that looked like a ten under the counter's edge behind them. She was leaving in defeat, and I called, "Wait wait wait!" as I dove for the wad of bills. It was her money, fifty whole bucks, and I handed it back to her. CB and her friend cheered and clapped. She said, "Now I really am going to cry," and she hugged me hard. :D

I just did my civic duty and voted in the primary election. They were expecting less than 25% turnout, so I figured even though it was a huge pain to go, I had better since my little vote would have so much more punch this time. I have no patience with people that whine constantly about the government and then proudly tell you they don't vote. Plus, we women fought hard to get the right to vote, and I'm gonna exercise it! Also, two co-workers were running against each other for township offices and I can't wait till the news to find out who won.

So I still feel cruddy, and I wish I had some Kool-aid or something. I tried drinking OJ and it made me really sick.

But at least it isn't as horribly hot and humid as it was. It still is pretty bad though. The last few weeks it's been over 117 degrees in my apartment when I get home. When I start turning fans on, the cat runs over and plants herself in front of them. The AC died in my car as well. I can't escape the heat!

I read a crossover story of LOTR where Morgoth escapes and sets up shop under Yankee Stadium. *giggles* I was all for it until it was revealed that he was actually a Red Sox fan and trying to sabotage the Yankees--WHAT?! That's not how it should go... The only other LOTR character to show up was Gandalf, who is my favorite of the Fellowship, and he was crafty and witty and made the readers wonder why the crossover heroes were needed at all.

I tried to read some other stuff by another author who's stuff made my brain melt out my ears like that candle in my car. Geez, I'm already nauseous enough! This person also makes copious fan-art to go with their stories, and English isn't their first language. Also, their knowledge of women's bodies, and women's minds, and biology is very lacking. And they are hugely popular! The mind boggles.

I'm going to break my rules of non-endorsement again and say that anything by Connie Nervegas on ff.net is of WIN. She does such funny and fascinating character portraits. She doesn't do action really, but fills in the downtime of the heroes between the fight scenes. She also does really interesting stuff exploring the psychology of characters who grew up in extreme isolation, using her own life experience as a model. She doesn't go in deep enough to satisfy me (wait, that sounds dirty), and it's making me itch to go break into some psychology books at the university library.

(Gee, maybe I should reconsider getting a doctorate in psychology after all...)

*waiting for fall here*

fandom is fucking stupid, fandom, stupid work, election, sick

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