(no subject)

Jun 04, 2010 02:24

So I got little sleep again yesterday, for I was awoken by the loud voices of two men under my window discussing repairs to the building. And I could not sleep hearing them there, because my brain's proximity alerts were going off like crazy, saying "Danger danger danger!"

Then they started discussing me, and it was not kind. I'm a bit hurt and pissed and like, "What did Jesus ever do to you Brad?!!". (A thousand cookies for you if you get that reference.)

So I'm a bit wigged out (understatement) and up for HOURS, and finally get back to sleep to wake in a PANICOMG at the time, and jump out of bed frantic only to realize that I work later today and am not late after all.

Also, some fraudulent company somehow got a hold of my bank account and helped themselves to my meager savings. I googled the name and found out I wasn't the only one. I have to get up early and go to the bank in person and try to get my moolah back. In the meantime I had to call other people and make sure they didn't try to cash checks I'd written assuming naively that I hadn't just been cyber-mugged. Good thing I hadn't gone pants shopping that day, though I desperately need some, I'd really be in trouble.

And that was all BEFORE work, where I got lectured for not being PC-enough by using the phrase "bad check" supposedly. Mind you this was after using about fifty other versions to try to get through to Deafwalkingmummy and Shriekingoldbitchoffspring why their check wouldn't go through, was flagged, and they need to find some other way to pay or something, justshutup and go or something.

The old offspring creature was a walking bullhorn flipping out loudly about everything, and called and bitched later, and PHB had to get on me about the mess that I was called in to fix after NurseChick made it worse, and he was standing ten inches behind the two harpies the whole time, so why didn't he turn his giant ass around and do something then if he had a problem with what I was trying to do?

Oh that's right, cause then *he* could get blamed.

Anyway, I'm more wigged out about the men talking about me under my window than anything else. Like WTF? One was the building manager I think.
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