(no subject)

May 29, 2010 08:31

I just went into the kitchen for a tissue and when I came back out to the computer to finish watching my show I ran into a strong wall of aftershave scent. Like overpowering. This smells like Axe though, different I think from the "spirit visitation" of before. Still, I got a little freaked out there. I don't sense anything around really, but I was like, "Not again!!!!!"

My store chain's owner brought an antique car to the gift shop (also owned by them) across the parking lot from my store to help advertise their barn sale. They put balloons on it. I kept trying to find out what it was, and his wife came through the store but she couldn't remember what it was, but she remembered that it was a very rare color. It is olive green with dark green hubs and top. Finally I found out it was a Model A from the 30s.

A lot of classic cars have been out this week, I saw a gold Hudson, an old Aston-Martin, and I have no idea what the others were, one looked like a luxury car from the 20s, another looked like an old Bond car. Dad would know. There's a guy who drives around in an old time fire truck from Red Bank NJ, which is near where my mom grew up and one of the vehicles they used in parades all the time and to deliver Christmas baskets to children in the neighborhood. Such a small world that when those vehicles got sold off to pay for keeping the department open, one ended up here.

I think I got heatstroke again from the high temps and humidity this week. Neither my place or my work has AC, and it was literally a hundred degrees some days. I almost passed out Wednesday, and I nearly fell a couple times I was so out of it, plus I was really sick to my stomach--having heat sickness never occurred to me till afterwards. Nobody else seemed to be as miserable as me, and the bosses certainly didn't care. I never do well in the heat. Now that's it's cooled down slightly so I can think again, but I still feel pretty off. I was planning to go to the Renaissance Faire today, but the heat may be too much for me since I'm just getting over being really really ill from it.

A little Cairn terrier got into the store yesterday. He jumped out of someone's car. Poor thing, he never should have been left in a vehicle in this heat! His little body was super hot to the touch when I caught him. Terriers are smart, and Cairns can fit through tiny crevices, hence their name, so the little guy must have made a break for it out the window to save himself. That's a pretty high fall for such a little dog.

I scooped him up and comically was instantly converged on by a large crowd of people wanting to pet the little guy, even the autistic guy who hardly ever speaks or interacts with anyone. I was kinda like O.O as all these hands suddenly were getting hella close to my chestal area.

The dog had tags, so an older woman called the owner with her cell, but no one answered. I had to take the little guy outside, by law, but I wasn't going to release him into the parking lot to get run over or lost, but I didn't want to get in trouble at work either. The woman with the cell's husband came out and immediately offered to take the dog home, as his address was on his tags, but I kept saying, "I think his owner is in the store right now." The new PHB knew the person, and found him, but the old man took his sweet time coming to get his dog, waiting till he was done shopping. Um, if my dog was loose in a busy parking lot on busy streets, I'd be hauling ass out of the store to go save him.

Anyway, I was outside, and the nice guy who wanted to drive the dog home said, "Well, we aren't going to leave him loose out in a parking lot!" and plunked down indian style on the sidewalk and pulled the dog onto his lap. He held him till his owner finally came out to get him. What a nice guy!

The autistic guy kept asking me about the dog, asking if he was okay, and what kind of dog that was, and later said "That was a good dog". That was way more than he's spoken all month! :) I liked the little dog too, I love plucky terriers.

Now if spirits will leave me be (hopefully joking here) I can sleep a little more. HotWheels got an apartment in town that's haunted, the first night he spent there he didn't sleep at all he was so freaked. He just sat up all night in his living room. I said, "That's why it was so cheap! I told you there had to be some reason they were asking so little per month!"

He didn't believe in anything supernatural prior to moving in, but after spending a night with his furniture rearranging itself, like chairs moving from one room to another, or turning around to find the furniture stacked into piles, or turning around again to find the couch and his kitchen table and chairs impossibly on the ceiling. He told me, "I just sat on the floor cause most of my furniture was on the ceiling after a while. I didn't know what to do." I think I would have run out of there screaming, or prayed, not just glumly sat on the floor wishing my couch would get off the ceiling. lol He had doors and cupboards opening and slamming all night, even ones that were locked and chained shut. His bathroom mirror fogged up in front of him and something invisible drew a face in the condensation in the morning after he thought everything was over. He said something about not being able to shave cause something kept grabbing to razor and cutting him. I told him he needed to move or get an exorcist.

Me: I'm never visiting you. Just thought I should let you know. =:|

He's still there though. He always looks exhausted. He's had a hard time in the heat too, cause he has no AC either, but he's too cheap to buy a fan as well. A couple of us have tried to point out that you can actually die from heat, but he's not budging, yet.

lost dog, stupid work, heat, dog

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