
Dec 10, 2009 00:24

We've been under Blizzard warnings all day. I couldn't believe how many people came in the store again today, but they weren't saying Blizzard yet when I went to work, so I didn't know till I got home.

Actually, as I left the house this morning, I was shocked. Almost all that snow was gone from the rain that passed through, and it was warm out. It was only for a moment. People kept telling me, "The snow won't start to about one," which was actually ten am.

The snow forecast kept getting upped, we are supposed to get six to twelve inches of snow, or more. The radio kept saying to expect power outages, which only fueled the shopper panic. The last blizzard still had more customers in the store, fighting over bottled water and stuff. Well, one man would get twelve cases of water and piss off all the other people who wanted some. I haven't had to break up any fights this time yet. It's not so bad that half our shipments can't get through, and last time Walmart lost power, so we got the stock they refused and their customers, haha. But we'll see what happens tomorrow.

The PHB wrote a poem about how all us "elves" were not working as hard as we should to make "Santa" money, and insulted us with bad nicknames and verse. Several of us were quite pissed and talking about how nice it was to see what he really thought of us. Did I mention he'd framed the poem and put it in the break area? I wasn't sure which one I was, but he called various employees things like Puffy Lumpkin, Squatchelf, Tiny Tim, Wormy, Germy, Weird One, "The one who thinks she's at Hooters", and Curmudgeon, whose definition I had to explain to several co-workers.

He'd been weirdly friendly to me lately, saying hi to me every time he sees me--he hasn't paid any attention to me for years so I wonder if he's decided he likes me as an employee suddenly or what. Then there was this poem.

I only worked a short day, but they made me work right by the door so I got blasted everytime the door opened with wind and icy pellets. So I was absolutely freezing when I got home and hopped in bed to get warm and dozed off for a bit. Míríel came and joined me. I had to get up five hours earlier than usual this morning, and she was so sleepy then it was comical. She was sleeping with her head between her front paws, face down, and I kept trying to wake her up and get her to move so I could get out of bed. She'd pick her head up for a second, look around with her eyes barely open, and then put her head back down, then I'd shake her again.

Now that think about it, they had me at that door for the last holiday cause I could handle the big time traffic that section gets. The noobs get freaked out with all the customers and big orders, and I *like* big orders, and I hate standing around doing nothing. Jabba today told me to watch everyone else and make sure they were behaving and not having trouble with anything, cause they put stuff in front of the office window and she's too short to see over. In that spot you face everybody else. That was actually something nice in my eyes, she was actually showing me some respect for once.

And I showed Dumb Blonde AT LEAST four times how do the turkey gift certificates, but she could not understand apparently and the one time she did one on her own screwed it up badly. *sigh* She's worse at math than I am, and something simple like writing down the weight of the turkey off the tag is too hard for her it seems.

Mom said Grandma wanted her to come over, and couldn't understand about the weather. She kept saying, "Well, you can come later. Why don't you come in a few hours after it stops?" and on and on. If Grandma could see well enough, I'm sure she wouldn't want Mom to go out, as she freaks out if we have to drive in the rain. She cried that time we had dinner together and it started snowing when I had to drive back. (She also cried cause I kept trying to say we should have lunch together instead, cause I wanted to leave before the snow started.) She still hasn't gotten used to the snow around here, the kind that doesn't disappear in a few hours.

Everything outside is covered in snow, every bush and branch thickly coated with ice and snow. It's pretty, but I'm not wanting to go out and go down to the laundry room at all. They have not cleared the stairs or a path down the hill at all.

It's supposed to be much worse tomorrow, with the temps half what they are now and super high winds and snow and whiteouts. I'm not looking forward to driving in that.

blizzard, stupid work, phb, snow, snowstorm, cow-irker

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