
Dec 22, 2007 01:07

Things didn't go well at the doctor. There's stuff wrong, it's not healing, he doesn't know why or know how to fix it. Surgery isn't an option. He said that, and I certainly was thinking it after the wisdom teeth fiasco. Nobody's cutting me.

Grandma's visit with the specialist gave no hope. He couldn't do anything for her, not surgery or that new bone-cementing thing. We found out that it wasn't just one or two bones broken in her back, EVERY SINGLE BONE in her back is broken. Some of them are completely flattened.

Yesterday was a bad day for the kitties. Our eldest cat, Muffin, passed away. She's been living on the back porch since the storm last weekend that dumped 14 inches of snow on the farm. She wandered onto the farm in teh spring of '88, and still was catching (and eating their heads off) till the end. She killed a racoon once, and a rat the size of a meat rabbit. She was a mackeral tabby with pale green eyes, and named Muffin mostly because she tended to be very fat and shaped like one. She had five kittens, Wrangler, Rhubarb, Sara, and the twins Raymond and Ramona. Wrangler was adopted by our neighbors and sired many kittens until he passed away from some weird disease he caught from horses. He was a gray tabby, Rhubarb was a dark gray, Sara was a tabby like her mom, and the twins were black. A bat got in the house when she had her kittens. We were all trying to catch it, but it was Muffin that leapt straight up and snatched it out of mid-air, and then started shredding it and passing it out to her babies. Ewwwwww.

She also survived a hawk attack. One tried to carry her off one day, but I was close and fast enough (pre-knee injuries) to catch the bird before it got too high. Man was that thing pissed. Muffin bolted while I was trying to fight the thing off, disappeeared for nearly a week, but miraculously survived the talon punctures in her torso. (I remember being able to run down pheasants in the cornfield, thinking, man, if I had wings, I could fly.

Mom wrapped Muffin up, but the other cats still knew she was there, and were afraid to walk past her to go outside. Poor Muff-Tuff-Luff. The vet gave you two months to live about three years ago, you were an excellent cat and a tough old thing till the end. I remember you catching tadpoles in the pond with us. And when we were ice skating, even though it was getting warm adn there was a couple inches of water on the ice. This did not deter you from wading out onto the ice to incessantly demand attention. You also were fond of riding in the wheelbarrow as we went to feed the horses, and liked to try their sweet feed. You also liked potato chips, vegetable oil (so does Chuck), and would happily scarf an entire frozen hamburger.

Then more disaster. Mom went out and thought we had a strange cat in the yard, but it was Yoda, completely drenched in motor oil. He was staggering around. He must have been trying to clean it off, and poisoned himself with motor oil. Yoda is a huge cat. He barely fit into a large cat carrier. You could put a small dog in there. Oil oozed out the side vents as Mom lugged him into the vet's office. Yoda weighs about as much as a toddler. Chuckie in winter is about 33 pounds, and Yoda is waaaay bigger.

The vet kept him overnight, and they weren't sure if he would make it. He had eight baths and is still oily! He also must have aspirated some of the oil when he fell in, and now has pneumonia, and somehow we have to get medicine into a half-wild tomcat every day.

Mom drove out here after dropping off Yodameister, and brought me my clothes finally. I did some quick Photshopping on some pictures of the grandparents Grandma wanted to put in their Christmas cards. Their faces were very washed out ad the backgrounds were nearly black. I played around and got a lot more definition in their faces and clothing, adn prettied up the backgrounds a bit too. Mom was impressed. We called my sis and harassed her while baggin up garbage. I had Mom take it out against my better judgement, because I'm not supposed to lift ten pounds.

I knew it was a mistake though. Minutes later she started screaming at me that she now had no time to shop for presents and I have ruined Christmas. I didn't bring up the vet thing. We got the bill for that today, it it was like $327, so nobody is going to get any presents now anyways.

Speaking of presents, I have no money to get anything, so I'm making things with only a few days to work. I need a giant magnifying glass, I keep gettinbg headaches. I'm making something that I hope will be fantastic for my sis, and I've spent most fo the last week working on it. I'm hoping it doesn't look cheesy when I'm done. It better not, after all this work *shakes fist*

Before the vet bill, Mom asked me if I wanted some little things, or one big thing. I know they have like zero dollars and my dad's work could go under any second, so I tried to say that I didn't need big stuff. She siad they wer getting *awesome gift* for my sister, would I want one too, or a lot of little stuff. *flashback to Christmas where sister got the keyboard I asked for, and I got a flannel shirt* I kinda hinted at small stuff, cause I don't really want anything except for stuff you can't buy (good job, money, significant other, house with a lot of land), but now I wish I had said the big thing. I'm trying to think of hwo to beign it up in conversation without getting screamed at, if she still is going to get anything for anyone. Er...

I went into the Jewel Gallery today that's closing down, cause it was on my way home from the bank. I was thinking to get something for my momm, but there was absolutely nothing in there that was affordable anymore! I looked a rings that didn't look much better than what you see in Walmart--and they were marked down 70% to $12,300! =:0 Who the fuck would pay that much for a frickin ring??? Even if I had millions, a horse maybe, or a nice car, but a stupid ring that wasn't even that great looking? Hellll no.

While I was boggling, a male voice spoke into my ear, "Hey J****. How are you?" *JUMP!!!* ADHDboy had followed me into the store to say hi and ask about my leg. His grandma had told him I had foot surgery, not quite right, and he hadn't seen me in months. So I was all :D XD XD on the way home. Yeesh. It was good to see him again.

There was a boy in that shop with a heart birthmark on his cheek. The women working there thought it was a tattoo. He said grade school was hell. I bet, but I bet his girlfriend loves that spot.

Life is a frickin rollercoaster. Still not back to work because the TWO notes my doc wrote are not specific enough for me to go back, according to poitny-haired boss. After Sunday they might just automatically fire me. He doesn't think I can end far enough to put drawers in the bottom shelves in the office. I can get my keys off the floror without bending my knees, I think I can do that. I said I did it before just fine, and he replied, "Yes, but you didn't have a doctor's note then!" And unfortunately the doc is only there Thursdays from 9-11am. Crap Crap CRAAAAAAAAAAAAP!

doctor, bad knee, lotr movies, hobbit, rip, christmas, muffin, death

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