Oct 19, 2004 22:32
I'm back at school, after my wonderful fall break. Short lived was that fall break, that's for sure. It was so nice being home and getting to relax. Yet, I refuse to feel bad about being back at school. I can't have my future without school, right? Therefore, I must think positively and remain motivated to do my best. How else can I become the choir director I long to be? Or to be the musician I hope to become? It all will come through my suffering here. But then again, it doesn't have to be suffering. For I have friends who care about me here, I have God, and I have all that I truly need. Plus, home is close-by when I need it. I am set.
So what did I do today? Well, I started the day off with lounging at home. That was enjoyable. Then, after eating some lunch, my mom and I went to Wal*Mart to pick up a few things. We then went to the library and looked around some. Then, my mom took me to go get some ice cream from the new ice cream place that's in my hometown. It was really good, and the day made me realize how much I love my mom. We have such a close relationship, and it seriously hurt me deeply to leave home today. I want to back, but I think I can endure a couple weeks here before I take another weekend off at home. :) I can and will survive. When I got back to school, I went and ate dinner with Ann Marie in the cafeteria. It was fun getting to catch up about each other's weekend! We also discussed our excitement about getting to go see Miss Saigon this weekend! :D I'm SO SO SO SO SO excited!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D Okay. Enough smilies. After eating supper, I came back to the room and cleaned up and re-organized. Okay, that's putting it lightly. I sorted everything, cleared the floor, vacuumed (almost got swallowed up by a dust storm), and re-organized all my stuff. The dorm room looks so clean now! It makes me feel ten times better to be in a clean, inviting room. Now only if the music situation tonight will be inviting...I sure hope so. We shall see.
I did a little bit of homework earlier, and I guess I should do a little bit more. I'm really tired, and I plan on going to bed a little early. I need some sleep to get me through a long day tomorrow. I'm confident that my school time will be much happier. It has to be...I refuse to let it be otherwise.
I'm supposed to get my first paper back tomorrow, and I should probably get my Music Theory exam grade also. I'm nervous, but I must remember that I did my best. If my grades aren't good, who cares? The main thing is that I'm satisfied with the work I accomplished. If anyone has any higher expectations, sorry. I'm just doing my best!
To end on a light, happy note...I have three things to look forward to this week! They are as follows:
Thursday: Barlow Girl concert! (oh, yeah!)
Friday: I will [hopefully] get to see Brock! (after 10 months! ouch, that's a long time.)
Saturday: MISS SAIGON! :D
Yay, that put me in a better mood! :)
I guess I should get off of here and do a LITTLE bit more homework. But not much! :p
Goodnight, everyone!
<3 Luke