So good to smell Home

Jul 31, 2005 14:15

I'm back people. I tried to write this earlier today, but i just couldn't manage to type anything. But now after spending a good solid hour looking and finding a ton of new beautiful icons I’m just busting to write. How am i ever going to use all of the wonderful icons I have? I've got 74. Geez.

Anyhow, I'm pretty optimistic and happy right now. I've finished my two English books- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn & The Catcher in the Rye- finally and I'm halfway through Founding Brothers, but I don't want to read it right now so I started The Things They Carried. So far it's pretty good. The Catcher and the Rye got me all depressed though. It was an amazing book and I loved the way Salinger wrote, but it was still depressing.

My first week at the beach was basically spent with my wonderful cousins-shelly and Beth- watching movies and messing around, and my second week was spent with my other side of the family at a beach house at Ocean Isle beach. My papa Carl drove me ballistic. I am telling you there does not exist a more annoying man then he. Geez. He has a talent at getting on everyone’s nerves. He's fine in small doses, even fun, but over an entire week? No. One time my sister and I came up late and we were going to go through the front door, but it was locked. So we knocked, and they were taking forever to answer the door so I was leaning on it. When my papa finally answered the door I kind of jerked forward because I had been leaning on the door. And I apparently scared him. So when we sit down he starts going on about how he almost punched me in the face, and how he thought I was a burglar or something. He wouldn't shut up about it. He went on for at least 10 minutes about it. And all I could think of was "why would a burglar knock?” He was just being completely absurd about the whole thing. Ashley-my other cousin- brought her 18-year-old friend Casey. She was really nice and I liked her a lot. Ashley, Casey, Kristen, Kelly, and I went out to dinner together on Friday night at this restaurant on the island. It was a 2-hour wait for the table, but it was a lot of fun. I actually enjoyed my stay at the beach house this year. Last year was horrible. Everything just seemed so much easier. So, Yay!

I think I’m going to go see a movie today. Probably Charlie and the Chocolate Factory again. My brother wants to see it, and I want to see it with my dad. The original is his favorite movie, and he's a real blast to see movies with. I want to see Stealth so bad. It looks sooooo good. And Bad News Bears, and the Fantastic Four, and The Island, and Wedding Crashers, and Sky High (yeah, i know, how dorky).

Alright byes peeps!
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