You're Weird

Jul 21, 2005 12:16

Alrighty people, you have to go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! It was soooo good. Johnny Depp did an amazing job with the character Willie Wonka. He gave him a completely new and improved look and feel. He captured the childish attitude of Willie that this movie set out to portray along with some other more disturbing qualities that only serve to make the movie more entertaining. I haven’t laughed that hard and that long in a movie theater in a very long time. It was great.

I am now up to the third season in Sex and the City. Yessss. Oh and there is quite a story to go along with our- shelly and I - last adventure to Blockbuster. Alright so we're checking out the movies, and the guy who is checking us out is a cutie whom has previously socialized with shelly and Kell on the last trip there which i did not attend. Apparently he made fun of her because she didn't realize the new movies came inside their real covers. So he is talking to her and completely ignoring me because he is positively smitten. She has the movie pass so she doesn't have to pay for the movies themselves, but we were also getting Wonka Bars because we just got back from the movie, and we just wanted them. But apparently he wasn't really thinking about the fact that we had to pay for them because he was so giddy with the fact that he is talking to Shelly. So I'm standing there ready to pay and he just never asks for the money, so I’m think fine and follow shell out then inform her that we didn't pay. I couldn't stop laughing. On after thought we figured we should have just left, but she wanted to go back in and pay.

I'm happy to say that I'm a slightly different color then I was when I left for the beach. It isn't a drastic or even publicly noticeable difference, but I can tell and that is all the matters.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Peter. I left you a comment already, but I just wanted to say it here too.

Byes people.
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