Simply Irresistible

Jul 10, 2005 13:47

Alright, I don't know what is wrong with me, but I’m really giddy right now and I can't stop smiling and laughing. It's weird but I can't stop. I think it may be because I just got through watching this movie on TV called "Simply Irresistible". It was kind of cheesy, but it was so sweet and romantic.

I love getting new things even if it's simple necessary things. My sister went to CVS and came back with all of these things that we needed like deodorant, body wash, and razors, but i was so excited. I know I’m odd. But she got this new 'antiperspirant', hahahah, by ban called 'satin breeze and it smells realllly good. Whatever, just thought I’d share.

I feel like going cow tipping. I know that's a really country thing to want to do, but I’ve never done it before and it sounds like fun.

I really should be reading my schoolbooks right now, but just the thought is ruining my mood. So that can wait until later today. I am going to read today though. I hope.

Alright all of you people. Stay happy!
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