TITLE: Five Road Trips Jim and Dwight Went On
comedownstairsFANDOM: The Office
CATEGORY: Five things, humor
just_3_apples as a five things prompt.
1. Jim frowned, blinked, turned his head like he would be able to see what the sign had said from the back. "Uh, Dwight? I think that was our exit."
"I know," said Dwight, still solely focused on the road ahead.
2. There were other people Jim would have rathered make the drive up to the New York office with, and Dwight was none of them.
Especially when the car's CD player stopped working, and he resorted to shushing Dwight every time he opened his mouth, explaining, "Shh. Silence is centering."
On the way back, Dwight repeated the same thing back to him when Jim tried to direct him to the badly-needed gas station, and Jim almost would have been proud if it wouldn't mean another few hours in a car with him.
3. For whatever reason, Jim agreed to go along when Dwight said he needed to pick up a gift for Ryan and Kelly's engagement party. Pam was signing his name to the card, so maybe Jim volunteered selflessly for the sake of entertainment value.
The entertainment value vanished when Dwight informed him two hours into the trip that the gift he wanted to get could only be found in North Carolina.
4. Jim sung that "500 Miles" song the entire drive, and was extremely pleased when Dwight got so annoyed that he forbade Jim from singing it again... only to end up humming it for days.
5. He dared Dwight to participate in a Chinese fire drill, and Dwight actually did it. He got out of the car, started running around it, and wasn't very happy every time Jim drove up two feet whenever he tried to get back in the car.