TITLE: Five Things Vimes Never Told Sybil
comedownstairsFANDOM: Discworld
DISCLAMER: They so belong to Pratchett. I just borrow.
CATEGORY: Five things
gypsyliz for my five things request.
Vimes had always told himself that love was something people over forty told themselves they were in to make themselves feel better.
Sometimes, though, he really reexamined that philosophy.
There wasn't anything really special about the case. Some poor little girl found beaten and left on the side of the street. It was just the kind of thing that happened in cities. Which was part of the reason why when they found the guy who did it, Carrot had to hold Vimes back to keep him from killing him.
For a while, Sybil had a sickly little dragon that refused to stay in its pen, opting instead to follow her around the house and settle on Vimes' leg whenever possible. He hated the damn thing and made that known, but also made sure Willikins gave it its medication when Sybil wasn't around.
He kept the bottle hidden in his desk drawer and always knew it was there. It wasn't that it didn't tempt him, some days more than others, but that was the point.
The fact that he was seeing Death more and more often for pretty routine things should have bothered him more than it did. It was almost comforting, like when the day finally came that the bony old guy wasn't just messing with him, he couldn't say he hadn't given it his all.
But when Sybil asked if anything interesting happened today, he just shrugged and said, "Same old."