May 20, 2005 22:47
Ok I am in this great fantastic mood.... none of my "issues" have been solved nevertheless I am in a great mood and nothing can bring me down today!!!!
System of a Down Kicks so much ass they had a lot to do with putting me in a great mood.. I cant stop singing!
I got my 1st paycheck from my new job....
I got two new books YAY
oh oh Pat.. I swear you gave me Magician:Master as well didnt you? I cant find it and its driving me competly nuts and of course books a million didnt have that book the book that i am missing (i guess the book wasnt part of the million) so correct me if im wrong i just dont want to go crazy i swear you gave me that one too
Today I was tld that they are thinking about moving me up into a office position which means raise and new things to do lol so im so happy about that... Ive been there a week and this is what happens yay!
Eating Seeds as a pastime activity...
on that note I am going to read!