Feb 17, 2009 18:17
Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate with you. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
Fuck dude, X-Men is just amazing. I got really into it after I saw the first two movies and I started reading fanfic, which had all these things from the comics in them and I just wanted to know more and more. SO! Now I'm a huge geek and I know a lot of shit that I really have no need to know. It's just great, replaced SVU as my main fandom.
The word fuck
I swear a lot. You've probably noticed this, but it's never necessary and it's always ridiculous. Fuck is a word that I use pretty much all the time, I seem to be incapable of censoring myself around people so I'll say things that aren't always appropriate at the worst time, and this word comes out most often. You know how when people will be like "umm... uhh..." when they can't remember what they're talking about? Fuck is my um, at least in conversations. I still stick to um for presentations!
Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert is fucking AMAZING! That's all that needs to be said I think.
Insane bus rides
I'm going to miss taking transit once everyone has cars. Everything that happens is always amazing, and some of the most cracked out things EVER in my life happen on buses and trains. I fucking love Calgary Transit, don't care what anyone else says.
I. Fucking. HATE. SK. SO MUCH, FUUUCK! Not as much as Manitoba though, but still.
Unfortunately a lot of my family lives there, so we go through every summer. Most boring place EVER
colbert report,
my icon is perfect for this,
stephen colbert,