Today's Writing Effort So winter is finally really here. We're in the middle of a winter storm and have gotten perhaps 2-3 inches in the last couple of days. I checked
How Much Will It Snow, but they don't have data for today yet.
Today, I did animal chores for James because he's really sick. We did a Covid-19 test yesterday that also tests for Flu A and Flu B and got bupkis, but I think we may have done the test wrong. James was hurrying me along and I didn't get to read all of the instructions before we tried to do it. But we did it again tonight and he has Flu A. And since he has a weakened immune system and can't take cold medications, he gets REALLY SICK. Anyway, after I got done with all the chores, I had an hour or two to relax before I had to shovel the walk, clean off the truck, plow the road, and clean off my Mini so that I could go to town and pick up animal feed. Plus, I got a text saying that my medication was ready for pick up and I had some things to pick up for James at Best Buy. Best to get it all done at once so that I don't have to go to town tomorrow as well. The roads were shitty, and I almost got into a fender bender when I was almost at Best Buy because I was having trouble stopping in all the slush.
Thumper is doing well, and I think he's putting on weight. But Bunny Heather sounds like she's sick again. I don't know how I'm going to bring her in for quarantine though because that's where Thumper is. I'll have to talk to James and see if we can have two bunnies in the bathroom. If she has a respritory infection again, then putting her in with Thumper may be ill advised, but it may be okay. None of the other bunnies in her column seem to have it. *Le Sigh* And I can't even get her medication until Monday and I don't know if the vet is going to want to see her again, or if I can just order it and pick it up since they've already seen her once for the same thing. And I don't know how to keep it from happening again.
Jenny and Sappho are still sick. Though Jenny seems to have a very mild case of the ick. I don't have it at all, so I imagine that I'm going to be doing animal chores until everyone is feeling better, or until I get the ick and even then, I'll probably still have to do it all since that's just the way things tend to go. Even when I had my radiation treatments, I had chores to do.