Total NaNoWriMo Word Count = 6,760
Today's Writing Effort Yay! I got cat food. So, my kitties will not become so hungry that they murder me for my meat. I also got to go to Hobby Lobby to get yarn. Yeah, the owners are probably horrible, but the people that work in the stores are just hard-working locals who need a job. I'm not going to hold that against these folks.
I didn't get to clean the house today, but I can get some of it done tomorrow before my date with James. We have date night on Tuesdays, which is nice, though it means no sushi, because both of the nice sushi places in town are closed on Tuesdays. It's kind of weird.
Also, I've been trying to buy a professional package here on LJ so I don't have to see those stupid ads, and I can't seem to do it. I don't know if it's because LJ is owned by Russians and the US has beef with them over the war in Ukraine, which can extend to buying stuff from Russians with my credit card. Or perhaps there's a technical issue that I don't know about. But I emailed the address like they said to do, and I haven't gotten a response yet at my
Request Ticket. I don't know what to do.
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