Roses So Sweet

Mar 31, 2018 22:47

Today's Writing Effort

*Belated Post*

I've been trying hard to get the cats to be fed at 8:00am and am meeting with some success, though Venus is the most vocal about wanting food RIGHT NOW. And of course taking care of the bunnies and chickens and bonding with the chicks and the geese is part of my normal morning that will probably continue forever since I'm usually up earlier than other folks (except on school days).

Anyway, I mostly did some chores during the day, including some laundry. The laundry never ends.

The remodeling is coming along. Last night the Contractors put down the sub-flooring and some sort of primer or sealant. Then they put down the floor leveler, which is kind of like cement in look and consistency. But because the cats don't know the difference and left little paw prints in it, we had to lock them both in the ground floor bathroom where the litter box is and they were NOT HAPPY about it at all. We had to let Bastion know so that he wouldn't use that bathroom in the night and perhaps accidentally let the cats out.

maxheadwidth brought me roses, and they were beautiful.

And after Jenny made dinner, we all ate together and I got to do some hanging out after dinner and got to sleep upstairs with James.

cats, chickens, bunnies, bastion, writing 365, geese, remodeling, james brown, jenny

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