Today's Writing Effort I was half asleep, but I could swear that
maxheadwidth came into my room in the morning before taking Ethan and AJ to Mariah's to go camping. He climbed into bed with me and cuddled me and said that he loved me and I said the same back and then he left. It was so vivid and had all the hallmarks of a lucid dream, but I think it was real. I rarely remember my dreams anymore.
And in other pleasant news, last night I left Yuno and Venus outside of the bedroom when I went to sleep so that if they wanted in to sleep with me, they would have to use the pet door. Venus came in at least, but I'm not sure about Yuno. Later in the day I saw her come in the pet door a couple of times, so I think she's okay with using it even if she isn't all the way comfortable with it. Venus seems to be a little more wary of it though. I miss her following me around all the time, but I have to keep the door closed so that they'll get used to using the pet door and they won't use it if they don't have to.
Taking care of the bunnies and chickens this morning was a little more eventful than usual. One of the Silvers was in Ginger's enclosure, so I booted her out, but I noticed that one of our white bunnies was in there too. I am pretty sure it's a male because it tried to get it on with Ginger who was having none of that nonsense. I got him out too and then things proceeded as normal. I also spent some more time with the geese and baby chicks so that they would be comfortable with me. It's especially important with the geese as they get rather big and will attack anyone they deem a threat to the rest of the flock. I want to be a friend, not a foe.
I spent most of the rest of the morning and early afternoon doing laundry for James and I and a load of towels too. And then, I went into town to see a film at
The Roxy with James. I was happy to get to spend some time with him and to get to see an excellent film. (See my Media post on Sunday for the title of the film.) We got to hug and kiss and hold hands in public and it really made me incredibly happy. My melancholy of the night before was mostly gone and this dispelled the last vestiges of it entirely. It also helped that Jenny's Dad and his girlfriend Becky had left to drive back home. They're lovely people, but having to pretend that I'm just the housemate/friend is tough.
After the film was done, James and I walked to
Mo' Dogs (
Facebook) for some gourmet hot dogs. Since we drove to the theater separately, we parted ways and I got Bastion some McDonald's on my way home.
At home, I dropped off the mail and gave Bastion his food and had my hot dog and caught up with James, Jenny, and Bastion. James and I had a little more alone time in my room, sitting and talking and cuddling and it was wonderful.
When he left to check in with Jenny and spend some time with Bastion, I read a little bit and played with Venus and wrote a little bit and then it was time for bed.
Oh, and the Contractors have resumed work on the library floor after repairing the hole in the floor/ceiling between the ground floor and the first floor. They need to paint over the repairs, but that doesn't seem complicated.