Today's Writing Effort I can't explain it very well, but I've been kind of melancholy lately. Not for any single particular reason. Maybe it's just the snow we've gotten and being stuck at home for a few days. I don't know. Since tomorrow is the start of a new day, I hope it will get better.
This morning, after taking care of the bunnies, chickens, and cats, and getting a little extra sleep, I got up and ready for the day and put out the new rabbit hutch that
maxheadwidth finished assembling last night. It was kind of a pain in the butt, but it got done. I also filled up the chicken feed bucket and the water dispenser. Jenny was nice enough to come out later on and clean out the bunny hutches and set up some straw in the new one since I wasn't sure where to put it.
Venus got locked in the garage again today. I know that I left the door open for her, but someone must have closed it, not realizing that she was in there. *Le Sigh* I'm a bad cat mom.
I think that part of my melancholy is that I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with James lately and that makes me a little lonely. He's spent a lot of time with Jenny and I understand that there's a little bit of "catch up" from when she was gone for a while, but I barely get a few minutes in a day with him and it's rarely alone time. Yesterday was kind of an anomaly and I think that if it weren't for the cats, I'd be crying a lot more lately.
I also miss
tamnonlinear a lot lately. And my Mom. The holidays are hard sometimes.
I did send an email to my friend @
Grania3 today and that felt good.
I finally got to talk directly to Jenny about me getting a better, steadier job and her going to the full time homemaker thing and I'm not sure how it's going to work out, but at least we're mostly on the same page I think.
And exchanging saucy texts with Dan felt good too.
And I went to bed alone again. That's starting to feel really bad.