The movie was awesome. I was more than a little worried that it wouldn’t hold up to my expectations, since I’ve been dying to see it since that teasingly short trailer came out last year.
It blew my mind. OMG!
It was action packed, it was funny, there were references to old school Star Trek which made it work but at the same time it was so clearly it’s own thing. That just… *flappy hands* And the alternate universe thing worked. It really worked very well. There could have been so many cliché, stupid plot-holes, but no. The story writing was pretty solid.
My delight knows no bounds. I’m so going to see it again. Yes.
I have too many things that I loved but I’m going to try to list them:
1. Child!Spock getting mad only when his mother is insulted and then carrying this into adulthood so when the Vulcan Prime Minister [I think] who was congratulating him on his admission into the Vulcan Science Academy insulted his human blood… oooooh, without a change of expression the anger radiated off Spock. Freaking wow.
2. The ongoing joke of not knowing Uhura’s name, and Kirk’s overwhelming curiosity to figure it out. Then his comment to Spock, with Spock responding that he doesn’t have any opinion about it. Was so randomly hilarious.
3. When Kirk slapped Spock’s arm in that friendly way when they settled on their plan. It made me realize that it was the very first time that Kirk touched him that didn’t involve a punch. \o/. My entire theater laughed/cheered.
4. Old!Spock/Young!Kirk mind meld. We got to see what a mind meld looks like! Whoohooo! Also, I have entirely too much affection for the fact that Old!Spock is so used to being allowed within Kirk’s mind that he didn’t even think to ask for permission and just went for the mind meld that it wasn’t until Kirk reared back that he explained himself. Hah. Also, the fic potential of this scene alone make my heart all quivery with delight.
5. First time seeing the Vulcan nerve pinch and it's Spock using it on Kirk. Ha! There were cheers in the theater.
6. The random aliens that populated not just Starfleet Academy, but also a random bar in Iowa. Seriously, I love it because it shows, without anyone ever having to say it, that Earth is the center of a multi-species government. The Federation is made up of a lot of different people, and sure it’s mostly full of humans, but not solely. And the humans didn’t even seem to notice that there were all these non-humans around them. Which I also thought was a brilliant contrast to Vulcan, where there was only one non-Vulcan, Amanda, and that even being partially non-Vulcan was a big deal. Brilliant contrast that was didn’t have to be explained out loud in clunky words. It was simply shown that the audience was trusted to pick up on it. So much love.
7. The fact that at the end of the movie Old!Spock revealed to Young!Spock that he was matchmaking him and Kirk. Well, not literally, but that how is sounded to my slash-obsessed mind. Ha! Also, we get to keep Old!Spock in this ‘verse! I was so afraid he would end up dying by the end of the movie but he’s going to go off to rebuild Vulcan! Which means he and Young!Kirk could interact again! this idea pleases me way too much.
Things that made my jaw drop [in no particular order]:
1. THEY DESTROYED VULCAN! AND DIDN’T FIX IT LATER! Holy fuck! Talk about radically changing the dynamics of the Federation. With only 10,000 Vulcans left, there is a pretty good chance that there won’t be any Vulcans serving in the future ships of Starfleet. Spock had been the first Vulcan to serve in Starfleet and he just might be the last since Vulcans are going to be focused on rebuilding their culture, and making babies. Though, part of me is wondering about the existence of T’Pring, and if she survived.
2. Old!Spock, specifically showing up when he did. I knew he’d be in the movie but his introduction was so brilliant that I cheered. Hell, the whole theater cheered and clapped. \o/ And his delight as seeing Kirk? *swoons* So much love for that scene.
3. When Spock snapped and beat the ever-loving stuffing out of Kirk, I literally gasped and clamped my hands over my mouth. OMG! Also, I desperately loved the subtle expression on Kirk's face that made me think he really, really hated having to say what he was saying. Maybe there was even a little self-loathing that he could say it. I just want to see the scene again.
4. Spock kicking Kirk off the ship. It was so random, but considering how frustrating Spock was finding Kirk it made sense, it wasn‘t stupidly plot-holey. And it was a nice segway to meet Old!Spock and Scotty!
5. The Uhura/Spock relationship surprised me. But after thinking about it, I'm glad. Because I like the idea of Spock having someone to lean on before Kirk shows up in his life. And I really like that it's Uhura and not some random female because I happen to think that she's awesome.
Things that made me laugh:
1. Sulu forgetting the parking break on the Enterprise. Not only was a hilarious. It was a perfect way to explain why the Enterprise ended up surviving when 7 other starships did not. Nice.
2. McCoy giving in and making Kirk sick. Then Kirk’s react, and threat to throw up on him. *giggles*
3. Kirk’s allergic reaction and his big puffy hands. Hee. Then McCoy constantly hypospraying him and making Kirk say ‘ow!’.
5. Kirk, getting beaten every other scene. Yes, I find it hilarious to see his ass getting kicked so hard. Here’s hoping he plans on taking some more combat lessons.
6. Sulu saying his combat training was fencing. And later, pulling out that collapsible sword. Awesome!
7. McCoy’s: “I’m a doctor, not a physicist!” Hee! I’m easy to please.
8. The small alien buddy of Scotty’s. Also, I went ‘Aw’ when he was sad when Scotty left him behind, and I was glad to see him again.
9. The fact that Old!Spock lied to Kirk about why Young!Spock couldn’t find out about him. Hah! Also, it made me think about the entirely funny possibility of Young!Spock and Old!Spock joining forces in the future to tease Kirk. Poor [and lucky!] outnumbered Kirk.
10. McCoy calling Spock, a “green-blooded hobgoblin”. \o/
11. Hoodlum!Kirk. There's something utterly hilarious about the idea of the 'golden boy' of Starfleet beginning his life as a lawbreaker. Heh.
Things That Did not Make Sense [and my only nitpick]:
1. The rapid promotion of Kirk was a little too rapid. So, he went from Cadet to first officer to Captain. Yeeeeaaaahh. *sarcastic* I believe that. *eye rolls* The only way that I’ll be able to accept it is if it came about because there were so many officers killed by Nero that they had to fill the void off all those death by rapid promotion. Even then, Spock being made Captain would have made more sense. But, this is my only nitpick.
Pretty much, I’m saying see it. Then write tons of fic on it. *nods furiously*
I might have more things to say after I see it again.