Review/Reaction - Merlin 1x10 - The Moment of Truth

Nov 23, 2008 05:33

Review: Merlin BBC - 1x10 - The Moment of Truth

*flattened by the sheer amount of win that filled this episode* That...was...the best episode to date. They are so getting better and better. Once, we get to the hiatus, I'm going to be throwing such a tantrum because I won't be getting more...or I'll spend my time rewatching them all over again. =D

I'm kind of laughing at myself right now, because it took me way too long to recognize the actor who used to play Julian Bashir on Deep Space Nine. *scratches head* Hehe. I admit, I was hypnotized by the scar.


The bad guy hit Merlin's mom?! Bastard!
Dude, you are going to get blown up into little tiny pieces for that. Merlin gets violent when protecting the people he loves.

Oh, the mother came to ask the king for help. I love how well this scene is acted, it's clear that Uther is dying to go. He want to kick ass and protect the people of this village but he can't because he has to honor the boundaries of the kingdoms. D=

Also, woah, Merlin wasn't originally one of Uther and Arthur's subjects? Huh. Interesting. I wonder if that explains a lot of why Merlin had no problem insulting Arthur in the first episode. Arthur wasn't actually his prince. Interesting. Interesting.

Arthur: "I'm sorry. If it was up to me, we'd be on our way there now."
Merlin: "You tried. And thank you for getting an audience with the king."
Me: Ooh, I wondered how that happened. It didn't think it was as easy as showing up.

Arthur: I wish Camelot was able to help people regardless of how far away they lived.
Me: \o/

Merlin: "It's been an honor serving you."
Arthur [turn to face Merlin]: "You'll be coming back."
Me: ACK! Also, Arthur's face! It's clear that if this didn't involve Merlin's mother he'd so forbid Merlin to go. =D

Arthur picking on Merlin for being a bad servant. LOL

Merlin [waving the sword around]: "Yeah. It feels good. Very...swordy."
Gwen: *gives him a look*
Me: *snickers* Gwen, Gwen, why in the hell are you giving Merlin a sword? He's going to cut his own hands off or his nose, or an ear!

Gwen and Morgana are coming along! Ladies, have I told you recently how awesome the pair of you are? Because you rock, rule and totally pwn damn near everyone else in Albion! *fangirls them*

*sees the looks the girls exchange and ships them like woah*

Aw. Protective Gaius. And his comments about Merlin and wine. *dies* So, now it's canon. Merlin is a cheap drunk. =D

Pretty, dragon made from glowing embers. Aww, Merlin. Are you going to miss going to the Dragon for advice?

But, his mom's face. Its clear that she'd deathly worried about Merlin. Aw.

*rolls eyes at Merlin* Oh, that's smart. You think you hear something possibly dangerous enough to warrant pulling out the sword for a look but you don't wake up any of the sleeping women. *thumps him for being stupid*

Arthur [poking his sword at Merlin's back]: "I'd ask you for money but I know you don't have any."
Merlin: Arthur! *spins around with the sword and nearly decapitates Arthur*
Arthur *ducking just in time and gives him a look*: "Put the sword down, Merlin. You look ridiculous." *Arthur walking away now holding both swords while Merlin clearly has none*
Me: *cackles with laughter* Arthur! I wondered when you would show up, lovely!

Also, I have way too much love for the fact that they never say why Arthur decides to join up. It could range anything from wanting to help the village, to making sure that Merlin is safe and gets himself back to Camelot when the fighting is done.... I think I'll stick to the theory that Arthur wants Merlin back. *nodsnodsnods*

>.> I admit I cheered and clapped with Arthur rode in. GO ARTHUR! You gorgeous killing machine you!

*glees at Arthur sword-fighting*

Hey! Merlin isn't half bad with that sword! I think some of Arthur's 'lessons' finally stuck. Brilliant! *stares* And pretty! *is shallow*

*facepalms* Merlin, using magic while everyone can see you is probably not the best thing to do.*headdesks* You are no longer in Camelot. Whatever obscuring spell has been saving your ass from being discovered is no longer in effect. Silly boy.

Morgana saving Arthur, FTW! *glees*

Morgana: "Bring back memories of when I used to beat you?"
Arthur: "That never happened."
Me: *dies laughing* OMG! It so did, didn't it? *snickers*

Evil!Bashir: "You'll pay for this with your lives. All of you!"
Me: I wondered if the fight would have repercussions. *nods thoughtfully*

Aw. Merlin and William hugs!

Arthur: "Merlin, gather the villagers, I need to talk to them"
Merlin: Yeah, in a minute. I'm just talking-"
Arthur: "Now, Merlin. There isn't much time."
Merlin: "Yes, sire."
Me: *blinks* Oh, Arthur was so trying to pull Merlin away from William. Ha! I'm so taking that as jealous!Arthur. *sticks on her slash goggles and glees*

William being bitchy at Arthur.
*tilts head* Okay, now I believe that William is jealous over him taking away Merlin.

Also, calm and collected leader!Arthur? Hot like a hot thing. *is shallow*
*sighs happily* I so love the glimpses of the awesome future king that Arthur will be. =D

Merlin's mom [to Arthur]: "I'll follow you. If I'm to die I want to go out fighting."
Me: You are made of win, Merlin's mom! No wonder he's always so willing to stand up to help people, he so gets it from you! *beams*

Merlin [about Arthur]: "In time I came to respect him. For what he stands for. For what he does."
Me: Awww. *melts into warm goo*

*blinks* William has chain mail? How does a peasant have chain mail? Oooh, it belonged to his father. So, wait. Does that mean William is some sort of lesser nobility? Interesting.

Merlin: "I trust Arthur with my life."
William: "Is that so? So he knows your secret, then?"
Me: *gasps* Oh, you did not.

William: "Face it, Merlin. You're living a lie, just like you were here. You're Arthur's servant and nothing more otherwise you'd tell him the truth."
Me: *pointing to the screen* Shut it! You don't know what you're talking about. They are destined! Plus, Uther's a scary tyrant with a paranoid blind spot against magic that Merlin can't risk. And I'm not making excuses. *totally is*

Excuse the fan-girl squealing that will result for the next few minutes from the scene of Merlin and Arthur sleeping next to each other.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...*gasps for breath*...eeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Arthur: "I meant, for you. It must have been difficult."
Merlin: "Uh. Not really. I didn't know any different. Life's simple out here. You eat what you grow. Everyone pitches in. As long as you have food on the table and a roof over your head you're happy."
Arthur: "Sounds..nice."
Merlin: "You hate it."
Arthur: "No, I don't. Why'd you leave?"
Merlin: "Things... changed."
Arthur: How?

Foot to the face! ARTHUR'S FOOT TO MERLIN'S FACE! *dies laughing* BWAHAHAHAHA!
Oh man, I so missed what Arthur said next. Hahaha. And rewinding doesn't help, I'm just laughing too hard. Foot to face!

Merlin: "I just didn't fit in anymore. I wanted to find somewhere I did."
Arthur: "Had any luck?"
Merlin: "I'm not sure yet."
Me: Don't deny it! You are so happy at Arthur's side, and you know it.

Morgana [to Arthur who's being dressed by Merlin]: "Still not learned to dress yourself."
Me: He just likes Merlin's hands all over him.

Spoiled!Prince Arthur trying fake eat the breakfast? Killed me with laughter. Then he hands it off to Gwen and runs away. *falls over laughing* Way to avoid insulting your future mother-in-law.

Merlin's Mom: "He must care for you a great deal."
Merlin: "Arthur would do the same for any village that's just the way he is."
Me: Suuuure. So, that's why he's going up against his father's decision and choosing to sleep on hard ground. For the "village". Denial!

Merlin's Mom: "It's more than that. He's here for you!"
Me: Thank you Merlin's mom!

Merlin's Mom: "Give him more credit than that. He likes you."
Me: Merlin, listen to your mom. It's clear she knows that likes means 'wants to throw you into his bed'-likes. *snickers*

Also, I'm liking the symmetry of getting approval from Uther on the ship last week. And this week we get approval from Merlin's mom. \o/

Merlin: "That's because he doesn't know me. If he did, I'd be dead by now."
Me: D= Oh, Merlin that's not true. Remember what the dragon said, "the half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole"...or something to that effect. Arthur could never hate you to the point of seeing you dead. Sure, get angry at you. Call you moron several times, but never hate you. *makes sad noises*

Merlin [to William]: "Why are you being like this?"
Me: Because he is jealous, jealous brat! He wants you to leave Arthur and come back to him.

Arthur! *glees at him* Drill instructor!Arthur....mmmmm. *back to being shallow like a shallow thing*

Morgana: "There is no way they will be able to hold Cannin off."
Gwen: "Men aren't the only ones that can fight."
Me: \o/
Hello, my warrior ladies of awesome! Have a mentioned how much I adore you? *sighs happily*

Aww. Arthur being kind and putting Matthew to organize sentry duty because he clearly sucks at fighting. Arthur, you are adorable sir!

Morgana's, Gwen's and Arthur's worry is so palpable. They might have shown up for Merlin's sake but it's clear they how desperately they want to help the villagers.

Excuse me: More Merlin/Arthur sleeping next to each other. EEEEEEEeee! *flails*

And bonus, Morgana/Gwen sleeping next to each other! EEEEEeeeeee! *flails harder* And they are actually next to each other without risking a foot to face. *waves OTP flag*

Gwen [about Arthur]: "Why do you think he came here?"
Morgana: "For the same reason we did. Merlin."
Me: OMG! Merlin's face! It's clear that this is ripping him apart. It's so much easier for him to think that Arthur isn't here for personal reasons, aka him, and rather for the village.
Morgana: "Arthur may act like he doesn't care but he wouldn't be here if he didn't."
Me: *flails*

Tactical!Arthur! I like when he uses his brains!

*jumps at the female scream*

Oh no. Not Matthew. Now, Arthur's going to feel so guilty. Errr... and too bad for the guy's family.

SHUT UP WILLIAM! Can't you see that it's hard enough on Arthur as it is. *looks around for a stick to thump him with* And now he's running away! *throws hands up*

Oh, poor agonized Arthur. Merlin, tell him! Tell him! Tell him of your magic!

Gwen [advocating the women stay and fight]: "The more of us there are the better chance we stand."
Me: Wow. I can so see whey you end up as a queen. You go Gwen. I like you like this. *pleased*

Arthur's speech. *hearts swells*

And how much do I love that Merlin is the only one that Arthur risked being vulnerable to, and it was Merlin’s words that gave him strength? *happy sigh*

*baffled* Now, Merlin's mom is advocating not letting Arthur find out about Merlin's magic? Wasn't she just saying how much Arthur liked Merlin. Well, a mother's prerogative to protect her child.

Merlin: "If he doesn't accept me for who I really am, then he's not the friend I hoped he was."
Me: T.T

Gwen tripping over herself with Arthur. Heh.

Arthur helping Merlin with the armor!
Mmmmm...Merlin in chainmail....*drools*

Arthur [shaking hands with Merlin]: "It's been an honor."
Me: *starts gnawing on finger tips in worry*

Merlin: "Whatever happens out there, please don't think differently of me."
Arthur: "I won't. Its alright to be scared, Merlin."

ARGH! MORGANA! You interrupted a tense moment! Didn't you hear the music?

*yelps* Merlin what are you doing!
Cripes those arrows came close.

OMG! William saved Merlin. Alright, I'll forgive you for being such a dick to Arthur now.

Arthur's face! *gnaws harder on fingers* Oh, what will he think?

Merlin! A whirlwind? *eyes him* Don't you think that sort of thing is a little hard to direct solely at your enemies? You're blowing away your friends too. *rolls eyes*

Aw! Morgana/Gwen hugs! *beams at ship*

Oh crap. Cannin's still around.

Hee. More sword twirling from Arthur.

Cannin, you don't stand a chance. This is the killing machine. Arthur's going to turn you into paste.

*gasps when Arthur's sword gets stuck in the ground*

*crows when Cannin gets run through* Told you so.

Arthur: "Who did that?"
Me: Oh no! He sounds angry. *goes back to the gnawing*

And Arthur's face when Merlin spoke his name. *eeps*

William shoved Arthur aside from the arrow. And got stuck instead. D=

Oh, and then he's confessing he's the sorcerer. Okay, okay, now I feel guilty for calling you names.

As William lays dying. Me: KISS HIM GOODBYE MERLIN! At least give him that! *bursts into tears*

Arthur: "You know how dangerous magic is, you shouldn't have kept this from me, Merlin."
Me: Arthur! Give it up. He's friend is dead. Telling him this at William's funeral pyre is not the time or place.

Merlin's Mom: "You belong at Arthur's side."
Me: And in his bed.
Merlin's Mom: "I've seen how much he needs you."
Me: In his bed.

Merlin Mom: "You're like two sides of the same coin."
Me: Hey! Have you been talking to a giant winged lizard? And Merlin's mom promotes herself into the Slash Mom. Ha!

Re: The reveal
Ah, I was looking forward so much to Arthur learning the truth. *shakes fist at BBC* You are such teases!

Also, is anyone worried that Arthur will take is so much harder now? I mean, before Merlin meerly didn't tell him the truth, but now? He's actually lied to Arthur. *worried for the future of her boys*

Next Week: Unicorns? BWAHAHAHAHA! *falls over* Sorry...but unicorns? Seriously? Okaaaayyy. *giggles* Cursed!Arthur? Oh noes!

review: tv, fandom: merlin bbc, review

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