Review: Heroes 3x04 - I Am Become Death
So, I liked the episode.
I still want to thwap Mohinder for being a moron and trying on the untested drug but we got some interesting info.
Like, there is a third-identical blonde woman like Nikki and Traci running around. Whoa. And COOL!!! I wonder is she's the evil one that was in Mama Petrelli's dream.
So, I've been in denial about Sylar being a Petrelli until I saw this episode.
Now, I believe it. And I'm incredibly amused that the Petrelli Clan is trying to beat the Summer's Clan at the most convoluted, and fucked up family with super-powers.
They only reason that they don't win? The Petrelli brothers don't have a formerly dead father who's alive and a space pirate....yet. =P
Knowing my luck, that's part of the plot for season five. *giggles*
Also, future Sylar had me becoming rather worried for HRG. I have got to wonder if Sylar eats*** HRG's brains to get his Super-Father powers. It's the only reason I got for how Sylar...erm..Gabriel... ends up not only wearing HRG's glasses, but also living in his home and having a dog named Mr. Muggles of his very own. *is worried*
Also, I'm kind of wiggled out at Sylar producing such an adorable offspring. *suddenly wants to make his babies*
I love, love that they had HRG!Sylar going nuclear. Damn.
I totally rolled my eyes in exasperation when Peter started cutting up Nathan's head. I'm starting to believe that it's Nathan's fate to be killed at the hands of one of his brother's. If not Sylar, in the first season future, than it's future Peter shooting him dead at the end of season 2, and now current Peter trying to slice his skull open. *is grumpy*
Heh. I kind of want Matt's totem animal to be the Tortoise. Then, the speedster-chick's animal can be the Hare. *amused at self*
About Hiro:
I love Hiro. I do. But I want to thump him so badly for letting a little flattery convince him to dig up Adam. Really? You don't think that it could possibly be a bad idea? Considering he killed your father and wants to make your life hell? Really? *facepalms*
On, a side-note. My Doctor Who infected brain insists that Hiro's future super-hero codename [the one he'll pick out once they finally get this whole screwed up future business thing straightened out] will be TARDIS, aka Time and Relative Dimensions in Space, for non-Who fans.
Time Lord could work too, but it sounds a bit pretentious from a human, actually it sounds a bit pretentious coming from anyone but the Doctor usually pulls it off.
Plus, Time Lords still need a TARDIS to travel in time and space. Hiro just needs himself. So, Hiro, codenamed: TARDIS.
*snickers* Now if only he could learn to be bigger on the inside.
*** - I know he doesn't eat brains but I like writing that more than 'he cuts people's heads opens to stick his hands in their brains to figure out how they work'.