Jun 14, 2004 12:42
As soon as Tuesday, the House of Representatives is going to vote yet again on opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to massive oil development.
The White House and its allies in Congress are cynically exploiting the current rise in gasoline prices as their new pretext for sacrificing America's premier wildlife refuge.
Drilling in the Arctic Refuge would have absolutely no effect on today's gas prices at the pump. Arctic oil would take 10 years to get to market and would only amount to a tiny drop in the bucket of our nation's oil consumption -- not nearly enough to impact prices.
Only one group would benefit from destroying the Arctic Refuge: the oil giants.
Everyone else loses. Our nation's last pristine arctic wilderness would be polluted forever. Wildlife would suffer. And consumers would remain dependent on a volatile oil market.
Improving the fuel efficiency of our cars and trucks would deliver far more energy than the Arctic Refuge ever could -- and it would do so more quickly, more cheaply and without destroying our natural heritage.
A recent poll shows that the vast majority of Americans wants to pursue this sensible path of fuel economy and oil savings in order to lower gas prices.