So I've never been into the whole New Year's Resolutions things (they tend to feel so trite, for the most part), but I have come to a decision. This year, I'm going to try and finish at least one knitting project every month.
It doesn't have to be something big. I know myself, and I know there's no way I could pull off, say, a sweater a month. Honestly, I'm still missing a sleeve and buttons on my first sweater (February Lady, if anyone was curious), and that's been languishing for months.
No, my goal is just to keep myself knitting. I go through phases where I knit like a crazy person, and other (usually longer) phases where I don't knit at all. As I sit here right now, I haven't touched a knitting needle (helping
alerrison make a christmas gift notwithstanding) in about a month. That's just not cool. So even if it's just to dig out a ball of cotton and whip up a dishcloth, or finishing up something I've left sitting half-done for a year, at least I'm knitting.
Hell, maybe I'll finally finish the Doctor's clothes. ;)