Feb 03, 2005 00:01
I dont know what they are....
I have often asked myself who my friends were...
And every time i ask i stop and i think to my self how do i call them my friends...
Did we have a life changing moment that we were both at and have keep in contact from then on...
Or do we drink at the bar hit up the same shows, ride the bus together daily and just chat about life...
I dont know!
Friends must we have them....
I once defriended myself, funny story....
There was this one kid that i never really liked and well i was like what that fuck i hate this im ending it.,.. So he came up to me one day;
"Hey Buddy wus up" Setting some house party north end of the city... Later in the nite and it was super nice nite in summer....
My replie "NO not buddy..."
Just what i said... Not buddy... i dont want to be your friend any more, is that more clear...
"Um i dont understand, i....."
WEll its simple in all honesty, you have worn out your friendship... I know it sounds mean but hey this is how it is... You can come to my parties and know my friends but other then that dont talk to me, dont come up and say hi, its just as easy as that..."
So ya burn the poor guys heart but you know how it is when you just have no room in your friend list for them....
The worst is when your kinda something with you could crash at their place and smoke their drugs, and bath in the same tubs... But still get asked by some one how you know each other, and you both just look at each other....
As though you are some dead deer in the headlights, just blank thoughts in your mind...
As we friends, but know you go for the oh we go to the same shows and hang out some times...
What the Fuck is that... We go to the same shows we're not gay like cant we even say we are pals... nope i dont think it works that way...
I just know him.... so then after you find that out and you may have hung out with this guy for a year....
So after a really short and mixed rant i still dont know who is a friend or for that matter if people who i think are friends.....
Ya i dont know im going tomake this arguement better...