MAKE A WISH! a multi-fandom wish fulfillment ficathon

Feb 20, 2014 19:27

a multi-fandom wish fulfillment ficathon

What is this?
This is a ficathon theme that I shamelessly stole from portions_forfox because it is the best thing ever. Basically, no shame. There is no fandom, character, pairing, AU, crossover, or prompt too small, weird or specific. Have you been dreaming about RPF? Great! Disney villains paired with the Princesses' dads? EVEN BETTER. (Will someone just write me Maleficent/King Phillip already?) If you can't think of anything besides a burning desire for Dan/Blair, well, then, that's okay too. Personally, I don't think I'd be able to go a whole ficathon without Johanna/Finnick. The point is just to be creative and get out of our writing ruts. Like portions_forfox has said before, "This is a place where you will not be judged!

How do I prompt/fill?
Only one prompt per comment please. But as many comments as you can think of! When you fill something, post the fic to that comment and the fills thread. If your fic is too long, then post the link.

What else?
 Prompt this! margottenenbaum was generous enough to make some of her typically gorgeous banners, so spread them throughout the LJ interwebs! That way we have more people, more prompts, and more fics. Since I'm probably going to be snowed in all weekend, we might as well make it interesting, right?

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