HUNGER GAMES FICATHON: would you like to be in a real war

Nov 26, 2013 12:42

would you like to be in a real war ?
a hunger games ficathon

What is this?
I copied and pasted the same almost everything from my last two ficathons but no one else has done this - which doesn't entirely seem possible but w/e LJ is so dead lately. LET'S ALL WRITE ABOUT JOHANNA AND FINNICK.

What do I do?
Prompt. Prompt EVERYTHING. Everyone, every pairing, every book is fair game. Use songs, videos, pictures, poems, quotes, whatever! Whatever minor pairing is welcome. AUs and crossovers encouraged, highly. And write for all the prompts other people left! And then pimp this out to whoever might be interested. That's not too much to ask right?

How do I prompt/fill?
Only one prompt per comment, please. But as many comments as you want! When you fill something, post the fic/ficlet to that comment and the fills thread. If your fic is too long for the comment boxes, then post the link .

What else?
Questions? Ask away! And thanks to margottenenbaum for the beautiful banners.

PS - fills for whoever makes me Johanna icons /shameless


sugarless by saucydiva
prompt: johanna/katniss; beautiful garbage, beautiful dresses, can you stand up or will you just fall down.

hope is a four letter word by jada_jasmine
prompt: johanna/katniss; she lost all her innocence, she said "i am not a feminist."

here is my spine by stainofmylove
prompt: gale/katniss;
here is the lonely hum in my brain where your name used to be.
here is my spine. here is all the hollow.
here is all the longing.

sonata undine by margottenenbaum
prompt: finnick; in the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will automatically drop from the compartment above your seats. to start the flow of oxygen, pull the mask towards you. place it firmly over your nose and mouth, secure the elastic band behind your head, and breathe normally. although the bag does not inflate, oxygen is flowing to the mask. if you are traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person.

monsters are always hungry darling by jada_jasmine
prompt: finnick/johanna; if this is love then kill me now and save me from my life

words i can never say by theladymore
prompt: haymitch/effie; love poems never make sense to me

you will meet a tall dark stranger by stainofmylove
prompt: johanna/gale; you will meet a tall dark stranger and he will fuck your shit up

she had grown accustomed to his face by ficpants
prompt: haymitch/effie; when she pulled his name out of the bowl she wanted to scream ANYONE BUT HIM

a new dawn, a new day by deathmallow
prompt: haymitch/johanna; love is patient, love is kind

swallow you whole by portions_forfox
prompt: finnick/peeta; finnick/peeta, that's the thing about girls. every time they do something pretty, you fall half in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are. girls. jesus christ. they can drive you crazy. they really can.

but i am hell bound by deathmallow
prompt: victors;
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide

time will grind our bodies down by sparklethedarkx
prompt: haymitch/effie; so desperately they wait for the excuse of love

decoupage by seta_suzume
prompt: haymitch; 51st Games

stains of absinthe by sparklethedarkx
prompt: haymitch; 51st Games

you still get to be the hero by jada_jasmine
prompt: finnick/johanna; i would tell them i am a dog in the yard. i would tell them he is the choke chain.

'Cause I Belong to the Hurricane (And It's Gonna Blow Us All Away) by deathmallow
prompt: johanna;
i'm not a girl
i'm a storm with skin.

you lose yourself, you reappear by margottenenbaum
prompt: gale/johanna; if i like her, shoot me

pimpin', fic: the hunger games, this is an otp

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