Couch to 5K -- What Day?

Apr 17, 2008 20:42

I'm still running, just not following Ullrey's podcasts as much. Lately I've been doing the 2min/1min thing and throwing in a few 2.5 minute runs to slowly increase my time to 3 minutes.

Last Friday Kim (dog trainer, who has also become my trainer/running partner) and I went for a 6.5 mile walk/run. We were out there for about 90 minutes and I was dying -- from the heat. She convinced me to get some spandex shorts (UGH - spandex!)and running shorts.

Bought the new gear today and wore it while the dog and I walked 3 miles. MUCH better! MUCH cooler! I threw in a few jogging sections and at one point ran almost 3 minutes. It's finally feeling good, not just tolerable. According to the countdown on my computer, the Candlelight run is 65 days away. I now know that it's doable(?). I know I'll be able to finish. The walk today threw off my Nike graph and we were only averaging a 15 minute mile, but I'm still in love with the Nike+ pack.

My boyfriend is so impressed with how dedicated I am to this running thing that he's thinking about joining me. Advice for anyone prone to shin splints?

I've been doing all this running but still haven't lost any weight so I had some bloodwork done. The doctor decided to put me on a low dose of thyroid medication. I've only been taking it for about 2 weeks, and maybe it's my imagination, but my pants were looser this week and I was able to put on my size 12 jeans. Things are looking good!!!


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