My first post involving names of anyone...after (exactly) 5 months I think he can handle it.

Feb 05, 2005 09:43

I have a lot going on right now. Last week I had two midterms, a paper due, an architecture project, and two problem sets. Luckily I'm done with major school stuff this weekend and for the next few weeks, until midterms come around again. Last night Kirin and I tried to go to columbe (the vegetarian co-op) to see what it was like. I dont know if I can handle living there, or if it's too alternative. It would be cool to expand my horizons though. Afterwards her and Rohan and Joey and I went to Judy Gittlesons art show, which was basically a coffee shop with her paintings hung up and music playing. It was nice to get off campus. When we got back I really wanted to go out with her, and spend some girl time without Rohan. I'm having problems with that, he's not as willing to let me be my own person. Maybe that's good, but I went to bed feeling kind of trapped. Anyway, Kirin and I tried to find a party, but there was absolutely NOTHING going on tonight, which was o.k. because I didn't really feel like watching her drink. (an explanation of that would get into some personal shit that I dont really want to talk about on livejournal, I'm comfortable watching other people drink) We ended up playing kings in the dorm (rohan joined us later, both him and I had water because he has strep throat and I think kings is just as fun without alcohol.)
I'm sorry if I havn't called anyone in a while. Maybe posting on livejournal will make people respond and demand that I call them, which will be motivation. I want to talk to people who I havn't in a while, like hannah and murphy and michael and kathayoon (and everyone else). Brendan, I called you, but you havn't called me back. An understandable move, I guess. Colleen, I want to talk to you too, but I dont know your cell number. Actually I really want to talk to you, because I feel like you are a cool person and I've really been missing your friendship lately. Kirin kind of reminds me of you.

So I'm doing 2 cool thing this summer guys. 1) I'm running a marathon (hell yeah, whoever wants to train with me let me know) I've already started, I ran 23 miles last week (yay!)
2)I'm working at OHSU for this really big diabetes project. I think it'll be an awesome summer job, I get to work with PEOPLE instead of test tubes and I might actually contribute to something cool.
3) Last two weeks of summer (when everyone is gone) I'm going to Istanbul. Can (John) invited me, and I'm going. It'll take all of my summer earnings, but it's so worth it. Turkey? Amazing.

Let's keep this up, kids, I love you and you don't even know it.

Love Jackie
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