Paua Island : Torchwood : 2

Sep 01, 2008 13:48

We join the Torchwood crew to find Contessa Shannon eying up a bottle of Vampirocillin-D.
We'll say this was because I didn't want to deal with a pregnant vampire, and not because I forgot that she'd gotten pregnant in the first round, and couldn't figure out why she couldn't 'try for baby' with Owen, thus incorrectly assuming vampires couldn't get pregnant (at least then I wouldn't have to watch Owen pull the baby out with his teeth?) even though that's totally what happened.

And so the Contessa is human.

Although I'm having a really hard time convincing her of that fact.

And then I find out that she was actually already pregnant. Figures.

Owen does the respectable thing and marries her... in the kitchen.

While Jack pours himself a bowl of cereal. Naked.
Shush, Owen, YOU WILL CHANGE YOUR ROMANCE SIM WAYS. Or live forever in aspirational failure, your choice.

This is the real reason they split with Torchwood London. Differing opinions on "casual Friday".

Gwen Cooper, certified genius, discovered an invasion of roaches outside.
Of course, since Gwen is afraid of EVERYTHING, she naturally has a fear of roaches.

Which she continues to re-roll every time it's fulfilled, thus creating this vicious cycle...

...that results in aspirational failure for Gwen. Again.
SERIOUSLY, Gwen. Seriously.

Tosh has moved on to a new level of creepy Owen-stalking.
That's not your bed, sweetheart.

The computer breaks, and I figure, Tosh is the resident computer genius - let her fix it!
Yeah, they ended up hiring a repairman.

Owen has the flu because he, like Gwen, can't leave the roaches alone.

And Gwen is obviously well on the path to recovery.
Or early retirement.

But wait, what's this? Gwen seems to have found a way to fulfill some of those Family Sim wants.
With none other than Captain Jack Harkness himself. Well, there's no Rhys to prevent it, is there?

Jack's not exactly what you might call 'monogamous'. Who is that?

Jack: I have three loves at once. Wanna make it four?
Tosh: You're not Owen.

Meanwhile, Contessa Shannon gives birth in the kitchen.
I kind of forgot she even existed.

It's a girl! They call her Rensemee.
Just kidding, her name is Sasha.

Just as I'm thinking, "Oh good, no more pregnant sims for awhile..." Gwen pops!

And as if that's not enough, Tosh has taken matters into her own hands.
This looks like bitter revenge on Owen to me.

The Contessa still hasn't gotten over that vampire-stalk thing.
Please don't eat your baby, Shannon.

Tosh, darling, what is it with you and the men who just don't want to commit?
Edit: UM, in rereading this I just realised that's GWEN, not Tosh. FAIL, ME. And fail Gwen, too.

Repo-man... or poorly disguised rival operative sneaking in to steal some alien tech?
I mean, that gun of his is pretty suspicious.

Also, way to walk right in the front door of the Hub. This is what happens with Ianto on another lot.

Birthday time for Sasha!

Fail time for everyone else!


Yes, all of that happened in the time it took for Owen to take Sasha to a mirror.
She looks a lot like Owen. Poor kid.

Oh, look who's in aspirational failure again!

Well, she's a Family Sim, this ought to make her happy, anyway.
I, however, am contemplating putting Jack in a pool and deleting the ladder.

Gwen quickly deposits her newborn son Kai on the floor, probably to go into aspirational failure or something.

And I'm too frantic with pregnant sims, babies and toddlers to take any pictures until Kai's birthday!

Welcome to the madhouse, Kai.

He is cute, though. Looks a lot like Gwen.

toshiko, harper, torchwood, 3valve, sasha, harkness, jack, gwen, cooper, prosperity challenge, rotation 2, kai, paua island, sato, contessa shannon, owen

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