Oh for God's sake, is there a weird Indie Band Hugging Virus going around or something? We are not doing this, guys.
(LOLOL Nick's still scorched from the lightning strike at the Ferdinand house!)
NO. Seriously. We are not doing this! You guys have a pool in the back. Please do not make me DROWN YOU.
Nick, you are a freak. He's excited about rain.
You two are immensely boring. Nick dances, Ricky cheers. Yaaaay.
(Note: Their house is pretty deep in the ground, so the pictures are going to look this way. It sort of looks like I'm using one of those paparazzi helicopters to hover around their house, taking pictures).
Ricky takes some time out from his busy schedule of cheering Nick on to bitch about the fire detector. Hey, I could easily remove it and leave you to die in a fire, Ricky.
Which would have happened immediately afterward. At this point, I wondered if the fire department would be able to negotiate down the steep hills.
Of course, Ricky immediately went into aspirational failure.
So he goes to panhandle. I feel kind of bad for him. He looks so pathetic.
Nick goes to cheer him up. Hey Nick, I don't think you being naked is going to cheer him up.
About the time he realizes he's naked, he gives me a cheeky grin and then changes back into his clothes. Somehow, I don't think he really minded being naked outside.
Oh, okay. Friendly hugging is out but tickling is just fine.
In the middle of the night, Ricky goes out to stomp on roaches. *headdesk* At least he didn't get sick.
Nick? Here's a thought. If Ricky refused your hug last time, and you were fully clothed, I don't think he's going to accept it now.
So then he goes outside to play naked in a puddle. In the middle of a thunderstorm. Someone wants to get hit by lightning again, I think.
Well okay, I guess they got over the whole hugging issue. That's good because I can only handle one set of indie band members fighting all the time.
Oh. They got way over it.
As much as I enjoy slash, one of the major points of the prosperity challenge is to have kids and such, so I sent Nick downtown to check out the women. Oh Nick Hodgson, that smile isn't going to get you any women. It's going to scare them.
God, you are such a tool. And note the pajamas. At least he didn't go naked.
I finally sent him home when it started raining. AGAIN. Wtf, it has rained every day since I've been playing them.
He gets home just in time for Ricky to set another fire. *headwall* One word for you Ricky: Pool.
We'll leave off with Nick lecturing Ricky for flushing the toilet while he was in the shower. Why Nick isn't in his OWN bathroom, I don't really know.