Imagine being a mother and walking in on your daughter giving head to a marine. Yeah. I know.

Dec 11, 2005 14:12

So, uh, semi was genuinely retarded. It cost much more than all the other dances, and was 100% suckier. I got to hang out with a different crowd of people, which was perdy cool i must say. Of course it didn't help that I was running on coffee and 3 hours of sleep. Hannah woke me up at 8 o'clock that morning practicing her bassoon scales for All County.... it was like listening to a Norweigan bounty hunter scrape a small rodent forcefully along a nonpolished hardwood floor.

But I must say... if it wasnt for kristie, amy, maddy, alison, and michaela.. i would have most definitley killed myself. That.. or... left. I mean, one or the other. But dear jesus the music selection was horrible. It made Lyons Homecoming seem like a NYC night club... and that's really saying something. I think I looked pretty snazzy tho... I mean... I would have fucked me. Oh! random people hit on me. I was like... wait, why is your hand in my pocket? Sorttaa uncomfortable.. not gonna name names... unless you ask me...or comment... or call.... or send me something via myspace... or email me..... or write me a note... or hold up a sign... or look at me with questioning eyes... or use a spanish translator person... named Juan... or pretend to text me on my nonexistent cell phone.

Oh speaking of the spanish population.. Jimmy Jesse and I went job hunting on Friday. We went all around the plaza getting applications. We are on a roll, when we stop outside the one place I refused to enter. Garcias. James is like "Zach, you are applying to every place you can." Im like "fuckkk no I will not go in there." So I go in, and ask for two applications. The dude responds "¿Necesito dos applicationes?" And I laugh. I laugh!! He responds with "Si, uno momento." We stood there awkwardly for 10 minutes while the woman working searched under her desk for the applications. We knew they were making fun of the white kids for wanting a job at a mexican restaurant.. but we stood with our heads held high. God it was embarassing. I really wanted to ask "¿donde esta el zoologico?"

I've asked this once before in my LiveJournal career. Makeout session anyone? I could really use one right about now. Dont offer if you like sloppyness and spit - because that is just gross. Yes, people who are mega sloppy should all be sent to a desert island where they can all kiss sloppily and be happy... while leaving the rest of us alone. Its not discrimination. Its just.. some people suck at making out :-D

Oh and you may not have known this... but kristie bucklin is a freak-a-leek. I know, i was surprised too!

Farewell you sexy bitches
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