Dec 30, 2009 22:25
Beginning to think I would have been better off looking for a job somewhere else, somewhere less crime ridden, like Moss Side, perhaps.
Came into work this morning to find that some local darlings had booted in the office door and ransacked the place, possibly nicking a handful of electronic front door key fobs... CCTV showed them (all 4) to be wearing nifty balaclavas. Must be a popular Christmas present in those parts.
Four weeks in the job, and every week a winner... (The prize being a visit from the local plod...)
week one - investigation into the proceeds of a burglary passing through a residents hands.
week two - related to the above (also had a bike nicked, but the victim 'dealt with internally')
week three - allegations of theft and counter allegations of abuse (abuse allegation withdrawn in return for theft victim shutting up and putting up after bulk of stolen cash returned)
week four - see above.
Seems to be a bad year for winter deaths as well. Had three residents go into hospital. Only one came back. Spookily enough, although only a coincidence, all three from the same bit of the scheme.