Got questions about the ficathon? See if it's answered here...
1. Do I have to write a story if I give a prompt?
No. Listing prompts in no way commits you to writing a story (but we sure hope you'll consider it).
2. Can I write about the other team members too, or just Jack and Sam?
You can definitely write a prompt or create a fic with any or all of SG-1 (or other Stargate characters. Who are we to say no to teamy goodness?) But remember that the focus should be on the friendship between Jack and Sam. If you just want to feature the dynamic duo, that's great too.
3. Does it matter when/where I set a fic?
As long as the prompt doesn't specify, you can set the fic in any "era" of the Stargate show (classic team, Seasons 6, 8, 9, 10, or even Atlantis era or post-series). It can be set on base/offbase/offworld/in a spaceship.
4. What about AUs?
Canon AUs, or new ones that might be likely within the show (e.g. those variations seen in Ripple Effect) are okay. However, any versions of Sam and Jack still need to be just friends. No completely out-of-canon AUs please (i.e. There's no Stargate, and SG-1 really works in a department store).
5. What about Crossovers?
Yes to crossovers within the Stargate universe (heck Sam and Jack have both appeared on both shows). But no to crossovers with other fandoms (Buffyverse, Doctor Who, NCIS, or RPF). Again, for the reason it would take away from the focus on the friendship.
6. Does the fic have to be something funny? Or actiony? Or when they're off duty?
It can be an action/adventure, an angstfest, apocafic, a hurt/comfort piece, funny crackfic. Whatever you want to prompt and/or write. There's no holds barred as to setting or tone of the piece, just that it be focused on Jack and Sam's friendship.
7. How's the secret submission work?
All submissions will be sent to the mods as a plain text email. Please do all html formatting you may want (italics, bold) within the text itself. Stories will be listed anonymously for one week after the due date. After that time, a masterlist and all authors will be revealed and authors can post the stories to their own journals or websites. Please do not do so ahead of time.
8. If things are secret, what about betaing?
Obviously we understand you can't keep things completely secret. We all need to lean on our betas and sounding boards from time to time, but please be discreet. Don't flail on your lj revealing your prompt to everyone. After all, you don't want to spoil the surprise. ;-) (And as much as our betas deserve all accolades we can give them, sometimes they can out you as much as your own name, so keep beta secret until after the reveal).
9. Do I have to be a member of livejournal to participate?
No. But you do have to have a valid e-mail address to write for the ficathon. You can email at
10. I see Jack and Sam as OTP and don't know if I can write them without the romantic bent-or at least a bit of UST.
The ficathon's done on an honor system, but the whole point here is to explore the *friendship* of Jack & Sam-as teammates and coworkers if nothing else. There are lots of lovely places to enjoy the UST of Sam and Jack, including a whole
sjficathon. This is to explore that mostly untapped area of their more platonic interactions.
You could think of it as a challenge, or an AU. Pick a situation or time where you don't see the UST. It's all supposed to be in good fun. Give it your best shot. ;-)
11. What about romantic relationships with other characters?
Hmm. Tricky question, but unless it's some kind of passing reference to a canon pairing-like Daniel's search for Sha're or Teal'c and Shaun'auc or something, the answer is no romance. Mainly because the spotlight is intended to be on Jack and Sam's friendship here, not other relationships.
12. Why isn't this a traditional ficathon exchange/prompt?
Two reasons. One, when interest was first gauged in a poll on my lj, a promptathon was the clear majority. Second, one person's "gen" with Sam & Jack is another person's UST. Instead of worrying about a recipient's taste (because I know when I do exchanges, I angst to no end about this), the author is free to let the muse fly.
However, since there is a bit of intrigue in having a mystery prompt a la an exchange, we got inspired by some other ficathon ways and turned it into this prompt grab bag approach. Hopefully, y'all will like it (and it will work *crosses fingers*).
13. What if I don't really like one of characters?
This is a no bashing zone. If you really can't stand Siler, use the prompts that don't involve him.
14. What if I'm completely blanking on the prompts I've gotten?
Let the mods know, and we'll work something out, even assigning you a new number combo if need be. But remember, you only *have* to use one of the prompt bag as your inspiration. Using more or all is just a fun/challenging bonus.
15. What if I can't finish by the deadline?
Please let us know as soon as possible because none of the fics' true authors will be revealed until all the ones we're expecting are turned in. You don't want to be the one keeping everyone's identity secret, do you? (Well, I mean, we know you all are cool writer superheroes anyway, but we want you all to be able to acknowledge your deserved accolades) . If you absolutely have to drop out, it'll be okay. Just let us know. The world won't come to an end. Although, Teal'c will still be very sad. :-(
16. What if I come up with an idea using more than one of the prompts? Or more than one story that fits the prompts?
Go for it! You have to use at least one prompt, but you can use all three. And if your muse gets uber-inspired and you write more than one story based on your grabbag, we won't say no to them.
17. Can I choose more than one grabbag?
Yes, but we do request you submit at least one fic per grabbag accepted.
18. You're very "fic-centric", can I submit artwork instead?
Um...sure! Why not? Same submission rules apply.
Your question's still not answered? Drop a line here and we'll see if we can help you out.