Welcome to the Jack and Sam Friendship Ficathon!

Jan 07, 2009 15:36

So, you say you love exploring the friendships amongst the various SG-1 team members anytime or anyplace?

You've been craving honest-to-goodness friendship fic featuring Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill?

You can't get enough of Sam and/or Jack in any type of incarnation?

Then here is a place for you!

So how does this work?

You remember those grab bags from the fair when you were a kid? You'd grab a number and then get a prize bag with that number, but wouldn't know the prize until you look inside? It's like that.

1. Everyone can (and hopefully will) submit prompts (don't need to commit to writing fic).
2. The mods will take all the prompts, use our DartboardRandomizer X3000 to combine them into random groupings, and shuffle them all up into a big numbered list.
3. Next, people sign up to write fic and ask for a number.
4. The volunteers will get whatever combo relates to that number. You can choose to use one, two or all of the prompts to come up with a story.
5. At the submission deadline, writers will email their fantastic stories to the mods at jacksamfriends@googlemail.com
6. Mods will post all the fics. There will be much rejoicing.
7. One week later, another surprise! The mystery authors will be revealed. There will be more rejoicing.


1. No character bashing.
2. Stories must be "gen" (defined here as NO romance, attraction, flirting, etc., between members of the team).
2. Stories must be betaed/proofread/spell-checked before submissions.
3. Don't forget to include a rating!
4. All writers must provide a valid email address. (comments in sign up WILL BE screened to protect your privacy).
5. Fics should be 1,000 word minimum (you won't be kicked off if you write a 950 word fic, but try and shoot for the goal). There is no maximum word count.
6. Spoiler policy: if your prompt or fic has to do with the two latest SG-1 movies or Season Five of Atlantis (or later), please label it accordingly (also keep prompts in a separate comment with spoiler title) so people not caught up on the series won't be caught surprised.


Prompts: January 7-16, 2009
Signups: January 22 2009 to...before the deadline for submissions
Submissions: March 30, 2009
Reveal: April 6, 2009


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