Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Jul 22, 2007 23:14

Wow, so I read the whole book in a fevered haze, though I tried to pace myself. I'll probably need to read it again soon to be coherent about it, but here are my unorganised thoughts about the book:

- I KNEW it about Snape!! Not that he was 'good' per se but that he was acting on Dumbledore's orders when he killed him. I was a bit grossed out about him loving Lily (I knew fandom predicted this but I was hoping he had a better excuse than being in love with Harry's mother) but my heart melted a little at how sad and pathetic he was, and HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH DUMBLEDORE OMG!!! Dumbledore wasn't shown to be a benign twinkly-eyed father-figure in this book and I kind of loved it. He was mean to Snape in a terrible, yet kind way, and he made use of him for the greater good. GAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Their relatioship was all kinds of fucked up. And when Dumbledore told Snape that he thought that maybe Hogwarts sorted too soon? And Snape was just looking at him in a stricken way? Tears, baby, tears. Running down my face. Yes.

- I loved Ron and his snappy asides, and I was surprised at him running off and leaving Harry and Hermione behind, really. But of course we all knew that he'd come crawling back!

- Draco Malfoy. I wanted him to redeem himself in a small way at least but he was a complete coward in the book. Also, he HAS A RECEDING HAIRLINE nineteen years later? Obviously only heroes retain a full head of hair in their dotage. Also, SCORPIUS MALFOY? WTF. I wonder who his wife was, though. Not Pansy Parkinson, I hope. I like how Harry's enmity with Draco sort of took a back seat throughout the book, though, because he had so much bigger things on his mind than a petty schoolboy rivalry.

- I kind of hated the epilogue. It read like a piece of mediocre fanfiction and it was totally unncecessary. We know Harry and Ginny will marry and have a passel of kids, you don't need to spell it out for us, JKR. Also, who the hell is Victoire?

- Oh, Remus. He was such an asshole, trying to leave Tonks and their UNBORN CHILD but he is still one of my favourite characters in the series, if only because of the third book. Sigh. I wish he'd been a little braver and less douchey, though. And I suppose he had to die, in order to be with Harry when he was going to sacrifice himself to Voldemort, but still. ;(

- Yeah, I cried at parts in the book. Poor Snape. I'm glad he was sort of redeemed in the end, sort of. I like how he remained ambivalent to the end. He was rendered a little uncool by the whole I've-always-loved-Lily-Evans thing, but what the hell. I think I've already said this, oops.

- ABERFORTH AND GOATS, HAHAHA. OTP? I loved Aberforth and his tetchiness, and how he tried to keep an eye on Harry nonetheless. The brightest flash of blue, I got shivers when Harry saw his eyes in the mirror, brr.

- I really like how we learn so much more about Dumbledore and his family, and how he was so troubled with guilt about his sister and parents' deaths. And when Harry told Aberforth about how Dumbledore always remembered them, how he was never free of guilt, and how he was pleading for them when he drank the potion in the cave I cried like a baby.

- Oh, Harry. When he realises that he has to die in order to defeat Voldemort, and his parents and Sirius and Lupin come to him in the grove, Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Poor, poor boy. "Does it hurt?" ;( I was so scared that JKR was going to kill him off for good, aiee.

- BEST LINE EVER: "Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?"

- Second best line ever: "Horace, we duel to kill." I swear shivers ran up and down my spine when McGonagall said that. Oh Minerva!

- Cho came back!! The original Dumbledore's Army, yay!

- Percy came back too, yay!! I love how he's still a pompous, boring git nineteen years later, though. Broomstick regulations, indeed.

- Poor George. I don't understand why Fred had to die, though, it added nothing to the plot, really.

- I loved "Potterwatch" and Lee Jordan and his guest contributers. "Rodent? I told you, I wanted to be Rapier!" HAHAHAHA.

- Yeah, I need to re-read the book, posthaste.

hp, books

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