2010 Fanfic Year in Review

Dec 17, 2010 21:28

I know, I know, 2010's not actually over yet. But I'm going to be either working incessantly or out of town for the remainder of 2010, and then the new year will bring with it the stress of an impending move before I've even fully recovered from December, so I'm doing this now. Besides, it's unlikely that I'll find time to write more than a drabble, if that, between now and December 31st, so I doubt anything's going to be left out.

What's below comprises the things I actually posted for the public this year (including WIP updates), broken up by fandom for easier reading. These fics are posted all over the place, but as a lot of them are behind password locks or require registration, and also require me to go hunting through a dozen different sites for links, all of links below just go to my fic journal. It just makes things easier.

Total word count for 2010: 71,485

Alice in Wonderland 2010
Envy - 100

At the End of All Things (La Femme Nikita/The Stand) - 1,497
This World or Any Other (Devil Wears Prada/Firefly) - updated with two new chapters - 3,098
To the Black (La Femme Nikita/Firefly) - 4,745

Harry Potter
Fear - 500
Filling in the Spaces - updated with one new chapter - 681
Finding the Right Words - 934
Hoping for Normal (the re-write) - 4,569
Possibilities - 100
Sleeping Draught - 500
Spoon Handle Wands - 496
The New Professor - 500
To Make an End - 23,483
Vigil - 450
Vita Nova - 500
Wholes Can Come in Halves or Thirds - 500

La Femme Nikita
Everyone Feels Broken Sometimes - 3,404
Observation - 100
Off-Label Uses for the Gelman Process (Don't Try This at Home) - 9,261
Parallels - 100
Some Things You Lose (and Some Things You Just Give Away) - 11,916
Story Bits - 4,051

Interesting (to me) fact: if you count the dead files in the 28 Days Later, Alice in Wonderland, Battlestar Galactica, Doubt, Harry Potter, and La Femme Nikita fandoms, you can add another 28,239 words to my total, making my overall word count for 2010 come in at 99,724-only 20,764 words less than 2009. Considering how hectic and stressful 2010 was, I'm kind of proud to have managed nearly 100,000 words this year. Proud and utterly surprised.

Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
Sort of both. I'd wanted (and had planned) to write more, but The House Cup in 2009 had me starting 2010 already a bit burnt out, and then stressful events kept my muse in hiding for most of the year. However, I ended the year feeling like I hadn't written much of anything, when I actually did write over 99,000 words-it's just that most of that writing happened in the first six months of the year.

Where did you publish/archive your stories?
A variety of places. HP mostly went to OWL, SH and TPP. The other fandoms were a mix of LJ, FFN, and sites specific to those fandoms. A copy of everything went to my fic journal.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2010?
I wrote substantial amounts of crossover fic this year, which was kind of new to me-I'd only written a single chapter of one crossover fic before 2010, and had been all wibbly about even that. I also managed to write fic from the point of view of a Weasley for the first time. Granted, it was required for a few of the HP Last Drabble Writer Standing prompts, so it wasn't exactly by choice, but still, I managed it. Lol.

What’s your favourite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
To Make an End, if only because it's officially the longest story I've ever actually completed. <3

Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Off-Label Uses for the Gelman Process (Don't Try This at Home), which I hadn't really thought anyone would read because the remaining LFN fandom is fairly tiny, but randomly got more reviews than any of the HP fic I've done this year.

Story most under-appreciated by the universe?
Probably To Make an End. It was generally well-received by those who gave it a chance, but it's AU Petunia gen with implied-if-you-read-it-that-way Snape/Petunia, so it didn't exactly receive a ton of readers. Lol. It was probably my favorite story to write ever, though.

Story that could have been better?
I'm going to say Some Things You Lose (and Some Things You Just Give Away). This was sort of planned as the third story in a set that started with Off-Label Uses for the Gelman Process, but somewhere along the way I decided to make it just two fics, telling the story that the second (or just the longer version of the first) would have told, but in and among the story being told in Some Things You Lose. I got seven chapters in before I decided that might not work out as well as I'd intended, but by then, had already posted seven chapters. Lol. So now I'm still debating between pausing Some Things You Lose to go back and write the second story (which could still fit nicely between Off-Label Uses and Some Things), or just forcing myself through the awkward bits to write it as planned. *shrugs helplessly* Am stuck.

Sexiest story?
None, really. I suppose Everyone Feels Broken Sometimes comes the closest because it's implied that sex happened right before the story starts, and might happen again shortly after the story ends, and everyone spends the entire fic naked, and the majority of the second half of the fic is either a little bit hot or a lot fucked up (or a bit of both), but it still doesn't really cross the PG-13 line. *is a prude*

Most fun story?
Either Spoon Handle Wands, because Luna is always fun to write, or Everyone Feels Broken Sometimes, which was just ridiculous for the first 1,000 words and meant I spent a fair amount of time imagining Madeline having to deal with Mick being as irritating as he could possibly manage. Both made me grin a lot while writing.

Story with single sweetest moment?
Fear, I guess. It's all touching and stuff. Lol.

The story that made you cry?
Vigil. Stories about Andromeda Tonks almost always make me cry. Her life kind of sucks by the end of DH.

Hardest story to write?
Filling in the Spaces, by far. As is evidenced by the fact that I posted 45 chapters in 2009, and only one tiny one in 2010. Only, um, 54 to go. *dies* Well, 53, technically as 47 is with beta. <3

Easiest story to write?
Off-Label Uses for the Gelman Process (Don't Try This at Home). Usually I have trouble with stories that get over a few thousand words, but this one just sort of… happened. I managed to write all six chapters within the space of a couple weeks. It was like every time I sat down at the computer, a new chapter was waiting to be written. That's not something that's ever happened to me before, and it was awesome. God, I wish I could recreate that; I'd never stop writing.

Most overdue story?
Too many to name at this point. Lol.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
This year, I wrote a character everyone hates as a decent, if flawed, person, and wrote a character everyone loves as having been made bitter and hateful and ruthless due to a hard life, the latter of which ended up not being a popular decision, but one I stand by nonetheless. I guess the lesson I learned is that I don't care much if anyone but me is pleased with my writing-though I also learned that while some people will roll their eyes at me, there are a fair amount of people out there who think my writing is decent and actually enjoy the fics I post, so maybe I should reign in my nerves and post without wibbling more often.

Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
My goal, as with last year (and lets hope 2011 is more productive than 2010), is to finish all of the currently-posting WIPs I have scattered around. That means approximately 53 chapters of Filling in the Spaces, 40 remaining drabbles for The Ties That Bind, 27 remaining drabbles for the ficlets100 McGonagall/Hooch drabble table, 8 more chapters of The Endlessness That You Fear, 4 chapters of This World or Any Other, 2 chapters of To the Black, and 15 to 20 chapters of Some Things You Lose. Not necessarily in that order, but all of them eventually. I hope, anyway. *crosses fingers*

la femme nikita, fic, fanfic, meme, alice in wonderland, hp fanfic, crossovers, dead files

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