It's really exciting to me that I've been able to do weekly writing updates on LJ and actually have something to put in them. :D
This week, I wrote in Firefly and Dollhouse fandoms...
Shadow (Dollhouse genfic featuring Claire, Topher, OMC, rated PG-13)
Every doll has a handler.
Finding Quiet (Firefly - Inara/River, rated PG-13)
In Inara's shuttle, you almost, almost can't hear the (ghosts) hum of the engine.
I've discovered that if I write in multiple fandoms, I very rarely suffer from writer's block. It's interesting, being all mutli-fannish. I never really have been before. I stuck to Harry Potter fandom almost exclusively for years. Even after I branched out a tiny bit, I was still primarily a Potterhead. These days, HP shares equal time with six or seven other fandoms, and the end is result is that I'm as active in fandom again as I was three or four years ago--except now it's spread out a bit. Lol.