Writing This Week, and Dollhouse

Aug 24, 2009 22:46

The day before yesterday I received my prompt for hp_darkfest, and began my fic last night. I've got about a month and a half to write it, and I'm already (*counts*) 7 pages and 3,135 words in. Yay. This is going to be entirely too long, I can already feel that coming. And it's weird. Also, it's not that great yet. Lol. I'm just trying to get the basic idea down, so right now it's just... blah. I'll get around to fixing the dialogue to, you know, actually sound like the characters, once I get another dozen or so pages done.

I really need a beta to bounce ideas off of and make sure that the idea isn't complete crap and that I haven't left any gaping plot holes, though. Um, anyone interested? Lol. I can't really say anything about it publicly as the stories are posted all secret-like, so... if anyone has an overwhelming urge to beta some dark(ish) fic (and more importantly, be my sounding board for the next six weeks), please to comment. I know, I'm not really giving anyone incentive to volunteer here, but I figure it can't hurt to ask. And if you comment and are interested, I'll send you some basic info on the fic to make sure it's something you'd be interested in reading, so you can be all informed and stuff before committing to anything, I promise. :D

In other news...

I've written Firefly fic. Inara/River (I know, wtf?), here: Finding Quiet. It was fun to write--writing from River's point of view is something I've always wanted to do.

A few more McGonagall/Hooch drabbles have been finished, though not as many as I would have liked. Having H1N1 made me incredibly sleepy for the last week. The new ones are Teaching and Party.

Oooh, and I wrote Petunia fic. I love writing Petunia fic. Found here: My Sister's Baby.

I've been incredibly prolific lately. It feels nice.

On a completely random note, I watched my way through Dollhouse this past week. Well, you know, this past Thursday. Um. Yeah. Anyway, it was a lot of fun, and while I'm not currently overwhelmed with plot bunnies or anything, I do think I'll be following the show next season. I think I had way more plot bunnies before watching Epitaph One, but I'll stop there because I'm lazy and don't wish to have to cut and warn for spoilers.

But on an even more random note--if the Dolls are named for the phonetic alphabet, then does that mean that there is a Doll running around named Hotel? 'Cause, um. *giggle*

fandom, hp fanfic, random, fanfic, hp fandom, writing

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