Jan 15, 2009 09:34
I've been thinkings a lot lately about spirits, ghosts, souls, life after death and things of that nature. This really all began on Monday when I was reading a post in the childfree forum regarding the souls/spirits of aborted, miscarried or stillborn children's souls coming back into their parents lives in another form or fashion. As in if a mother miscarries a child that the soul of that child is next in line for the next available body in the mother's family, either being born into another child she has or as a member of her family. I can see how this could really be a comforting feeling to those who have maybe lost a child that they've really wanted before they were born or to those who have had abortions and may be experiencing guilt. It just made me begin to think about whether or not death is really an end in these cases, or if a soul is meant to be born that it will find a way.
It also got me to thinking about spirits and souls of those people who have lived and had a full life and whether or not they hang around or linger in any way, shape or form. Shortly after my dad passed away in 2006, I had an experience with my mom who passed away in 2005 that made me think that souls of the deceased do have a way of connecting with the living after they're gone. I was at home alone and the phone rang, and I went to answer it and as I went toward the living room I saw my mom standing there, and picked up the phone no one was there. At the time I thought maybe in my grief I was delusional. But after a couple weeks my niece Julie mentioned to me that she had having issues with her phone ringing with no one there and that around the same time as me she'd had an episode where she'd seen mom standing in the doorway wearing this butterfly nightgown she used to wear. The odd thing is, she described the experience I'd had to the last detail. I honestly think that she was contacting us, checking on us to make sure we were okay and to let us know that she and dad were together and that everything would be fine. I find it so comforting that she waited until after dad passed away, I suppose in her own way she figured I was okay when he was there with me, but when he passed to she had to let me know that things were okay.
Having been raised up in a baptist church for most of my life there are a lot of beliefs that my mom had that I'm not so sure I still believe in. I carry those teachings with me, but I'm finally at a point where I'm able to seperate my beliefs from those of my family and honestly at times I'm not so sure what I believe these days. I'm not really sure where I stand exactly with religion, but I do believe that things happen for a reason and that we're here for a purpose, and I guess thats about all I have for now.