Jul 18, 2005 00:35
OK so as positive as I am trying to be in my pitiful little life... I keep getting hardballs thrown at me... Such is life...
My father took my mother to court via the telephone in order to cancel my child support... (Yes, I am 21 and still receive child support.. It was in my parents divorce agreement that he would pay till I was 22 and since I took a break from school this summer, he found it to be the perfect opportunity to stop the payments). So now, here I am stuck at a job where I am making barely $200 a week and can't even pick up extra shifts... What's a girl to do?? I am searching for a new job like MAD... Tomorrow, I need to do a massive job search. I don't even know how I am existing like this... I don't have a parent who'll just give me money because they feel bad for me and I don't care, I don't mind working hard for my money... I'm just in a slump right now.. I would consider working two jobs, but then by August, I'll need to quit one to go to school..
Aside from that one minor technicality, I'm doing alright... Working on my acceptance to University of Tampa's night school. It's a tad closer than USF and much nicer. So we'll see.. I'm very nervous about a lot right now, but I'm just trying to keep my hopes up and stay focused because I need to improve my life... :/
My weekend was nice... Norb and I went out to Tampa to watch the bikers do stunts off some empty street last night and then he did a doughnut with me in the car... Which I hate to admit, was fun... :/ Today I was lazy... woke up at 2, which I haven't done in what seems like forever and I don't like it..Apes and I went to Kwanda for lunch today, which was hilarious like always.. Norb and I were going to go to a movie, but I couldn't find my free pass, so we ended up watching some tv and then going to WalMart to pick up some dinner, we came home and cooked dinner and watched Family Guy and Austin Powers.. It was cute. I feel like I ate WAY too much today... Ick... Gonna go listen to some 80's music and watch Mythbusters.. adios!