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binkybill Ten years ago: Wow, 10 years ago.. I can hardly remember 5 years ago, you I’m gonna be one senile bitch by the time I’m 30.. Well I wad 11. My best friends were April, Callie and Marialuisa. It was a miracle I had friends because I was little bitch.. I had a bad attitude about everything, not that that’s changed much.. haha. I was in gymnastics and I was “going out” with Brandon Young. I went up to NY for summer camp.. I think that was the year I went to the really bad camp, I can’t really remember..
Five years ago: Ok, now 5 years ago I can remember.. lol.. I was a sophomore in high school and I was on varsity cheerleading. My best friends were Cassie, Maria, Sarah, Markie and many others… I think at this point in time, or at this age I looked my best.. lol If I remember correctly this was the last summer I went to Merrick Woods camp.. which was soo much fun.
One year ago: This time one year ago I was a mess.. Norb and I had broken up in the worst way. I discovered the The Darkness, the best band ever and chased them around the state. April got married and moved away. Sara and I spent every waking moment together and I resorted to the ganja to improve my life. Dated quite a few people, but at the end of the year Norb got in a really bad motorcycle accident and I suddenly became involved in his life again.
Yesterday: Do I really have to relive yesterday? Yesterday I was in a horrible mood. I had really bad PMS and I was bitching at everyone. I sat around most of the day.. Met Norb for lunch, but my horrible attitude got me in trouble.. So I came home and slept it off. I organized my whole room..
Today: I woke up at 10 and jumped in the shower. Went in to work around 12, made about 30 bucks and came home around 3:30, kinda sucked, but it works for now.. Later today I will probably have some dinner with my moms and hang out with my Norb.
Tomorrow: I am getting up at the ass crack of dawn to go down to St. Pete to apply for a job with Bic Graphic… Anything is better than the Ale House right now… I haven’t made any money.. After that I’ll probably go down to SPC and have my transcripts sent to University of Tampa, then I work in the evening.
Five snacks I enjoy:
1 brownies
2 tortilla chips and salsa or spicy cheese dip
3 soft pretzels and spicy cheese dip
4 fruit
5 kettle corn
Five bands/artists that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs:
1 The Darkness
2 Journey
3 Gwen Stefani
4 Tenacious D
5 Aerosmith
Five things I would do with $100,000,000:
1 buy a house
2 pay off my school loans/credit cards
3 trade in my car and buy a new one
4 spoil my family and friends rotten ;)
5 travel everywhere
Five locations I'd like to run away to:
1 East Islip
2 The Bahamas
3 Disney World (or any of the other Disney parks around the World)
4 Key West
5 My Grandma and Grandpa’s house in Maryland.
Five things I like doing:
1 spending time with Norb, my family and my friends
2 eating ;)
3 cleaning, organizing shit
4 listening to music
5 seeing/trying new things
Five things I would never wear:
1 a pantsuit/catsuit
2 granny panties
3 shorts… cause I have a fat ass.. ok maybe sometimes
4 triangle top bikini.. too much boobs
5 a tacky looking poncho.. maybe a real vintage one.. but not one of those stupid trendy things
Five TV shows I like:
1 anything on the Food Network
2 The Real World
3 House
4 Hogan Knows Best
5 Degrassi ---- omg I watch Degrassi too! haha
Five movies:
1 Grease
2 Beauty and the Beast
3 Rocky Horror Picture Show
4 Troop Beverly Hills
5 Secretary
Five famous people I'd like to meet:
1 Ellen Degeneres
2 Walt Disney
3 Brendan Fraser
4 Justin Timberlake
5 Marilyn Monroe
Five biggest joys at the moment:
1 I’m done with work for the day
2 My room is clean
3 I’m getting my throat taken care of
4 I will be done with the Ale House SOON
5 seeing Norb
Five favorite toys:
1 my laptop
2 my vcr/dvd player
3 my kitty
4 my piglet
5 my cellphone, even though it sucks
I tag you five people to paste and complete this on your lj:
autumnocean Do it if you want.... You don't have to, I am just bored... lol
In a Past Life...
You Were: A Forlorn Priest.
Where You Lived: Germany.
How You Died: Decapitation.
Who Were You In a Past Life? 9:17pm EDIT// I have 49 gmail invites if anyone would like to test out googles new email program, it seems pretty cool, lemme know if anyone is interested.. :)