So I wrote a letter to my Big sis updating my life and figured I can use it as a live journal entry

Jan 31, 2009 00:01

Hey Big!

How have you been? I feel like we haven’t talked in so long but let me give you an update on my life :)

School has been busy as ever, along with my 3 jobs L Don’t worry, I split my time well so I don’t kill myself..too much. I picked up a psychology minor, partially because I want to raise my GPA and also because psych just seems interesting to me.

I’m highly debating whether I should stay a 5th year at UCI. The reason’s I wanna stay: 1) I feel like I should raise my GPA a bit more before I apply to Optometry school.. my overall is fine but my science GPA is blah 2) I wouldn’t be applying to Opt school for another year anyway bc I have to take some of my prereqs at a JC and I have to study for the OATs 3) I Don’t wanna move back home for a full year bc my mom is trying to marry me off. Yeah you read that right.

Basically, my mom doesn’t have any friends, she has only family whom she hangs out with. Well a group of Bengali families who are distant family friends of ours moved to Diamond Bar which a little closer to our home town and so my mom is hanging out with them a lot. These families stick together (there are like 4-5 of them) they freaking moved all together! The women in the families all hang out and don’t have jobs and gossip about other peoples children bc they all have little children. Of course, out of all of them there is one lady who is a match maker and she keeps trying to find a “nice boy” for me. In their head if your past 20 and not married there is something wrong with you, and if you’re not married past 23 then you’re “undesirable”. Yup, my moms exact words. Well anyway, all the other people the matchmaker lady set up are these fobby Bengali kids in their early 20s who went to JCs, have  average bank jobs, and have kids already. My mom was like “see, they’re so ahead in life, they’re gonna buy houses and they have kids, don’t you wanna be like them? HELL NO. I didn’t pursue higher education all my life to get preggo and work at a bank. And there is no way they can afford a house right away in this economy, especially if they already have kids. And my dad said something along the lines of “ If you marry into a good family (good of course also implies rich) then you won’t even have to do your eye doctor stuff” Dude what the fuck Maricor, how degrading is that. 18 years of my life devoted to school, 18 years of them telling me I have to get a good job and finish all my studies before I get married, and now to hear this? Well Im pissed no doubt but they have been pressuring me so much and top of what I have to deal with, this is just ridiculous. How bout worry about more important things like how im gonna pay off school loans, or where im gonna apply for graduate school? Not to be terrible sounding but I feel like maybe they think im a financial burden so they are trying to marry me off as a solution. Im sure that’s not all of it but it might be part of it. Shit I have to tell you about some of the ridiculous guys they keep bringin up, but some other time bc otherwise this letter is gonna be hella long (longer than it is I mean lol)

On a happier note, Wade is back and graduated from college! He’s moved back home and has been hanging out with me a lot, like a 5th roomie lol, and its awesome. I was a little worried about how things were gonna be when he moved back, since its been so long that we have had a normal relationship.. but things are happy so far J AND even better news, hes got a job! In this economy! 2 actually.. one is kind of a side job with my friends dad developing a website for his company and working as a system administrator..and then a 2nd real full time job building GPS systems for the military..with a salary and full benefits! He doesn’t like me telling people how much hes making but lemme just tell you its over 65k.. LUCKY BASTARD I know haha. Its kinda sad though because now that he has a stable job and finished with school, he wants me to talk to my parents about him.. I’m trying to make him understand that until I have a job or atleast am enrolled in a grad school, I cant make any moves. Like if I tell them, and we break up, then Im screwed and I have to deal with my parents, not him. I don’t want to depend on him like that, I just want to depend on myself. And yes I feel guilty taking advantage of my parents’ trust and love but you know what, if they are listening to strangers and trying to set me up with all these creepy, shady guys (AND I MEAN SHADY)  then they don’t care about me as much as I thought. Of course they mean well but theyre stuck in theyre traditional ways of thinking, they need to freaking assimilate already! Haha and im waiting for all my other Bengali girl friends my age to get married to non Bengalis so that the focus is off me and I don’t look like a terrible person haha.

Anyway..what else.. oh I had an awesome winter break. I went to Disneyland for free bc my sisters friend got me in yay, went to go see Wicked which was amazing, did a ton of shopping as usual haha, and celebrated my 4 year anni with wade, and celebrated the new year dressed as rap stars with all my old highschool friends lol the pics are on facebook ;) OHH and  I got your card thank you! Your Christmas card is still sitting on my desk all addressed and everything, I just suck at remembering things. You will probably be getting it around you birthday haha. Yah I think that’s all the important stuff..

What have you been up to other than work and Ameri-corps? Are you seeing anyone, or crushing ;) Send me an update too!

And any advice for me and my hectic life would be much appreciated.. like what to do about school or what to do about my parents :/

Hope all is well! Come visit me in Irvine!

Love your little,

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