Hello, 2017...

Feb 21, 2017 22:50

I doubt many of my friends are still active here. I know I haven't been; I was last here in 2009ish and logged on maybe once in 2012 before coming back now in 2017. I was fresh out of high school when I first got into Livejournal and now I'm 28. Wow, it's so crazy to say that.

Similarly, I am sure that many of you, my dear friends, have grown up and are done with college, working jobs that you love (or hate), and some of you perhaps have wives, husbands, and little ones running around. So much can happen in 8 years. Hell, it's been so long, maybe some of you don't remember me.

But I am here, reading all of my entries, seeing all of my comments, and seeing all of the birthday reminders... and I am hoping that you are all doing well. I hope that you are all happy.

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