When last we left the Le'sair family, it was a season of death! The gods deemed that their house required haunting... and Sim-Deity created ghosts.... and it was bad. Alexei and Amelia bring two little non-green Sim boys into the world, Boris and Bogdan and Francis the Witch left Alexei with a curse? a surprise? a trip to Maui? a case of something nasty? Well, follow the CUT to find out.
If you've missed any parts of the Wicked Legacy, click the
handy, dandy link to catch up!
"Sleep well, Boris, hon."
"Gramma, could you tell me a story?"
"Well, all right, hon. What would you like to hear?"
"Dunno... make somethin' up?
She smiles softly and decides to spin a familliar tale to him. "Once upon a time there was an not-so evil prince and a beautiful princess..."
"And that prince was cursed by an evil witch! He became very sick..."
"How sick was he, gramma?"
"Well, the evil witch lay claim on him by .... " She chooses her words carefully for the child. "She had him abducted by aliens and they pollenated him!" (Read: The witch pollenated him! But how do you tell a 10 year old this?)
"You mean she got him all pregnant, right Gramma?"
(Well okay he's a very smart 10 year old)
"Uh.. right, Boris.. I'm telling this story. Okay?"
"Despite his curse, his beautiful princess still stayed with him and loved him very much. They had two handsome princelings!"
"Cool! Are they like awesome and stuff?"
"Yes, Boris, they are very awesome and stuff! One of them is a pretty, young nature lover! His name is Boris!"
"Wow, that's my name! I like this story!"
"Well.. yes." She smiles softly to Boris as she gently strokes his hair and continues the story. "And he likes lemonade! lots of it!"
"What about his brother?" Boris, always mellow, is also very inquisitive.
"Well, Bogdan. That's the other princeling's name, is very curious, like you. He aspires to be a great knight but first, he has more pressing concerns. Like his father's strange pregnancy."
"Wow! is he going to slay the evil witch that made Fathe... er the Prince pregnant?"
"Uh.. I hope not. That's not nice, hon. May I continue, Boris?"
"It so happens in this house, the Not-so Evil Prince has a noble dog to talk to when he is feeling sad or needing a friend outside his wife and family. That brave and noble dog is called Bruce."
"Cool. You put Bruce in the story too!"
"Of course, dear. I wouldn't leave him out." She sighs wistfully, her dreamy love of fairy tales and honorable heroes showing as she weaves the story.
She gently strokes Boris' hair as she continues to spin the little tale of their family, continuing about Bruce, "Bruce is a simple minded creature but while not very bright, he makes it up in heart and nobility."
"I like Bruce, Gramma. He's a good doggie."
"Yes, yes he is, Boris."
Boris interrupts the story, "And the Prince made Grilled Cheese sandwiches to try to break the curse!"
"Er.. yes! That's a great idea.. well actually he likely just craved them because uh.. that seems to run in your family. But we can go with your idea." She gives Boris an earnest nod of agreement.
"Well it seems the princelings need to go to school and so they consulted the Headmaster to get them in. Those brave and smart Princelings got in and are now experiencing higher education."
"But that's boring, Gramma! Noone wants a story like that!"
"Uh, okay. how about this. They have a grandfather who is a powerful wizard that makes energy shields with his body and is a great protector! He's very handsome and strong and his wife loves him very much."
"Even the Headmaster was very impressed with the old energy shield, wizard man! Er.... well okay he expressed it a little oddly on his way out the door. He was a little swanky like he'd just gotten some sort of happy ..." She pauses, smirks then quickly changes direction with the narration. "I can't say I blame him. I enjoy.. er the Grandmother enjoys kissing her energy wizard husband!"
"Ewww we're not going to make a kissing story, are we, Gramma?"
"Are you going to let me continue this story? I could just go and kiss your grandfather instead."
"That's not very heroic. gramma!" Boris peers out from under his covers to give his grandmother a sullen frown.
"But fairy tales always have the noble prince kissing the princess to free her or save her or profess his undying love for her." She sighs with glassy, dream-filled eyes.
"Gramma? Is Granddad your prince?"
"He is more than my prince. He is my partner, my hero, my protector..." She smiles warmly.
She continues her story telling, "The magical, energy wizard worked very hard in the city. He did his spells and practiced daily and trained with the lackwit magical teacher, Azuria... er well, we're mutants, so Prince Kyros..." She waves a hand gently then smiles, softly. "He worked very hard for the city and became a Hero of the City! I am very proud.. er, the Grandmother gypsy was very proud of her husband." She giggles softly.
She clears her throat, settling herself on the foot of Boris' bed. "One of the princeling's grew into a handsome young man, wise and kind with a desire to protect like his grandparents."
"The other princeling showed his innate talent with nature by cultivating a small garden in front of the castle!"
"Wicked! I like gardening! Maybe I could make plant minions to do my bidding!" He giggles happily as he listens, hugging Rufus the Llama to himself.
"Hmm... dream small, Boris, then let them grow." She smiles fondly, kissing him on the cheek. "But yes, some day you might be able to do that... we'll see."
"Finally, the Not-so evil prince uh... gave birth? Er.. spawned? Hatched? uh.... squeezed out? Uh... erm... um... Let's just say the Princelings wound up with another brother, half evil witch and half not-so evil prince. His name was Benjamin! The Prince, despite his trauma, loved Benjamin as much as his other sons!"
"Kind, Princeling Bogdan helped in his family nurturing way to care for his little half-brother."
"And the great, grandmother crone Gypsy continued on her own way to becoming a grand, storm-casting, heroic wizard. All the while, noble Bruce would go to work with her, also on a path to protect! "
"Does Bruce shoot lasers out of his eyes or somethin' cool and heroic like that?"
"Uh.... well, n.. Okay yes! he has a sonic bark that knocks villains over everywhere!"
"COOL! Bruce is a totally awesome dog!"
"Yes, yes he is! He is a Corgi. Just like Dotty the Wonder Corgi!" Elle grows wistful for a moment, remembering her faithful dog and happy that her oldest son has found one as faithful and loving.
"Was that your Corgi, gramma?"
"Yes.. yes she was. She was a very brave, loving dog."
"For the moment, the evil witch did not trouble the family she had left her 'curse'? with. But was little Ben truly a curse? None of the family believed so. And so it went for a time. There was joy in the house. The Not-so Evil Prince and his beautiful Princess would dance and shine with joy."
"Bogdan the smart, noble +20 Intelligent, +18 Charisma knight.. er..." She watches Boris' eyes glaze over. "He was very smart and very charismatic... And he would spend a great deal of the afternoon looking at the thing he felt to be the most beautiful."
"Wha's that, gramma?"
"And he also spent a good deal of time blogging on the internet and playing online RPGs!"
"Wow, this is a totally modern castle, gramma!"
"Er... very!" She gives her grandson a gentle squeeze as she collects him into her arms to continue.
"This castle had many dreamers, Boris. Did you know that the gypsy, storm casting grandma always longed to sing? Well, she got her chance!"
"Was she good?"
"Er.. uh.. well.." Her cheeks flush deep evergreen, "I'll leave that up to you, Boris."
"Yup! I betcha she was like total Shirley Bassey!"
"Thank you, Boris!"
"The Princess ALSO had a dream. Much to the worry of the not-so Evil Prince. She wished to become a werewolf! She tried night after night to befriend the pack leader. But alas, he would run off into the night before making her a werewolf. Much to the relief of the not-so Evil Prince."
"Mommy wanted to be a werewoof? Woah! I didn't know that!"
"Uh... perhaps it's her half-Nalroni blood?" Elle shrugs with a chagrined smile, having no explanation.
"And so it happened, in the midst of the peaceful time. That hag.. er.. the Evil Witch Francis returned...."
"She demanded to see her son! She cast a frightening aura about herself and drew clawed fingers on the not-so evil prince, insisting. The Not-so Evil Prince would have none of this! He laughed! he laughed an evil Prince laugh. MWAH AH HAH!"
"WOw, gramma, you do that really well!"
"Comes with practice at being wicked, myself." She gives her grandson a wink, affectionately.
"So it seemed she had not cursed the family after all? at least at this time. Apparently she always believed the Not-So-Evil Prince would be good breeding stock!"
"Breeding, Gramma? You mean.. he's gonna be a race horse?"
"Uh... well, no not exactly!"
Her parting words for the Not-So Evil Prince distressed him. "I will be back for my son!" There was evil looming in those words. More promises beyond the threat to take the son.
"Uh, Alexei, who's this creepy, nuclear freak standing over you, loomingly? And does she work for Nemesis?"
"Just pretend she's not there." Alexei shudders a little, tensely at that strange look over his shoulder and her demands.
She sighs, sadly, continuing, "Prince Bogdan, despite his narcissistic ways.."
"Wha's Narcissistic?"
"Uh.. he thinks he's pretty!"
"Wow, that's dumb!"
"Despite his narcissist ways, he cared for Ben much as he cared for his younger brother, Boris."
"Yep yep! Bogdan's gonna be a good daddy! He tells good stories, too!"
"Afraid for his family, and further, for his youngest baby, the not-So evil Prince poured himself into a task he proved very good at... Robotics! He would build the robot army he had always longed to build to protect his home!"
"With the witch gone for now, once again life goes on as normal. The Princess became a grand, princess Ballerina of the Paragon ballet company."
"Oooh! I betcha she was pretty!"
"Yes, Boris, she's very pretty!"
"And Princeling Bogdan would tell stories of adventure to little Ben."
"And so it was that Han Solo confronted the nasty bounty hunter and shot him before he could kill him!"
(and once again, the tradition of the Christmas Pajamas hits the family. I wish I could say I was directing this. Nope. This is completely random!)
Elle takes a deep breath as she considers how to explain the next part of the story, hugging Boris tightly. "It seems that there was more to the evil witch's curse than the baby. For one, the abundantly bad luck of deaths on the property, haunting the home.... and..."
"The young knight to be, Bogdan was stricken down, much to the pain of his little brother! Ben's wailings called the entire house to see what was the matter. None of us knew what had happened, only that Bogdan had died. We can only guess that it was one of the ghosts haunting the house. Perhaps it had lept out to scare him to death, like Anneka's wife."
"While the rest of us wept.. er the Prince's family wept, your fath.. uh, the not-so evil prince took matters in hand. He was very brave!
He marched right up to Death and just as Anneka did for her wife, he plead for his son's life!"
"And challenged him to a game of chance for his boy's life!"
"With sweet Victory, the not-so evil Prince ... uh.. gloated in the face of a death deity."
"Wow, he's not a very good winner, is he, gramma."
She sighs heavily at this, smirking quietly to herself. "Well, no. That was a little tacky. That isn't the point, though! He won. Can I go on?"
"Defeated, yet again, Death dissapeared in a gloom of fog leaving Princeling Bogdan behind."
"This family overworks me! Sheesh! If I get one more not-call...DEFINITELY need a vacation!" *POOF*
"The little nature boy proved that he was .. VERY close to nature.... Bad kid... you shouldn't be hitting the bubble so young."
"Gramma! I like it! It makes me giggle! Besides, it's totally organic!"
"Uh... yes... But perhaps when you're older. For now, I'm going to tuck you in and get some sleep. I have a hard day at work, tomorrow."
"Gramma? Are you a hero?"
"Uh... well, I suppose I am, Boris."
"Cool! I love you gramma!"
"I love you too, Boris." She bends in and kisses him good night before heading off to sleep.
The days are growing long for Elle. She's seeing her grandchildren grow up, one by one and her family growing. After that story night, Boris grew into a teen, pretty as always, nature loving kid that he is.
He grows into a mellow, easy going hippie.... He even sports his Hawaiin shirt clothing when not in jammies!
And promptly faceplants into the omelette. Growing up is exhausting work!
Filling her days with time with her grandchildren, Elle talks about music with Bogdan, exposing him to progressive rock and +2 enhancements for her favorite Freedom Phalanx Online powersets.
Bogdan takes mental notes!
"But Gramma, you can't play a plant controller like that. It's just nothing but endurance sap!"
"My grandson is growing up so fast and so clever!! I'm so proud!"
Boris continues his communing with nature by tending to the growing garden.
In the evenings, Elle takes a quiet moment to herself before bed. Blogging and Freedom Phalanx Online. Of course!
Until the inveitable comes. As it happens, all fairy tales come to an end, and for Elle, her fairy tale life is about to do just that.
Her own prince charming, her rescuer from her life had the intent to bring her omelettes for breakfast but never made it to the stove.
Instead, John set the skillet on a nearby table, looking a bit pale and still. His eyes glazed and with Amelia watching over him, it was time...
And once again, the family is visited by their frequent guest. This time, however, Death is not exhasperated with his charge. It's not a mistake, not to be gambled over. John has led a good life and served Paragon well. He handles this with a gentle scythe. He knows it will be hard for the family.
"Come along, John. It's time. You'll be happy and content. Dotty and Grace are waiting."
John seems hesitant. His family still needs him and he balks. "But... Elle and the grandkids..."
"I know, John. Don't worry. They are well cared for. Come along, please."
He softens the blow with the promise that it will be like a vacation. Further, he promises John, "I assure you. You will see them all again in time."
John is no longer afraid. Taking the ethereal Tiki drink, he collects the light baggage of his life in hand to prepare for his journey. He's shed a lot of the baggage on his path back from his early life of crime."
"What am I .. am I going to do now?" Elle sobs quietly, lost and afraid. She's been with him for such a long time. The thought of being without John is more than she can bear.
He assures his sobbing wife that he'll be all right as he and Death walk off into the after life. "I'll be waiting for you, love..... I promise. Love you, my Wicked witch." He sooths her as he fades away.
Elle breaks down, once again at the endearment.
Even Bruce is inconsolable and howls a pointed dirge for John's loss.
Farewll, John. You were a good father and husband!
To soften the blow of so many sorrows, Amelia brings a new life into the house. A puppy she names Scout.
He grows up into.. a very strange looking little dog.
Boris sets out, also, to fill the house with new life. His nature loving ways, he adds more dogs to the home. Longing for puppies, he buys Misha as a companion for Bruce.
And a guardian for the house to chase away evil witches, Moira the Irish Wolfhound.
And while shopping for more pets to fill their home... Boris shops... for himself.
"Dude, I wonder if he likes to go on nature walks. I hope he likes Hawaiin print! Oh man! This is tough!"
Be brave, Boris. You'll find someone!
He spies a handsome steampunk angel that catches his attention and is quietly captivated!
Ben, in growing tradition grows up without cake fanfare.
And in the end, peace returns to the house full of bubbles and dogs. Elle, however, begins to feel weariness set in. She spends her days relaxing over bubble with Boris. She's decided to give into his 'natural' remedies. If nothing else, it eases the pain in her heart without her husband.
The Weekly Mini-challenge, this week was:
[7th Week: It's a Dog's Life: your family can't decide which dog they like best, and just purchase ALL of the ones available in the shop. Make as many dogs as there is space left in your house in CAS and move them in. The animals must stay there for the week, and must be cared for, but at the end you may sell them/give them up for adoption. (requires Pets) ]
Challenge achieved.