Wicked Legacy: 2.1: Side Story[Sims 2 Reposts]

Apr 19, 2011 23:04

This is not the 'to be continued' for the other legacy post. It's a 'side-post' of what the other kids are doing, currently
Just a brief side path on Anneka, Isaak and Niko's shennanigans.
It's done in diary form, once again.

Dear Die-ary! Dude, I'm totally at sucky college! I hate it here!

Although my room's kinda okay.

So here's totally the scoop! While venting my frustration at my imprisonment in college, life's totally looking up for Alexei. Even if he did get Amelia, finally. Jerk.  She totally wanted me, I know it!

Honestly! Who could not dig that face?

Don't everyone totally rush me at once!!!
Maybe it's the loser basketball jersey.

There, totally better! Rockin' outfit! Now I'm ready for love! Now to call up my prey.. er that hot alien guy I met before going to college.

Komelian's (care of pixelcurious ) pretty hot, and does that shy, cute thing while he kisses me.

Who knew such a smarmy, smooth operator could show a shy side like that. So cute!

Okay maybe college life ain't so bad. I mean I totally have a hot guy throwin' himself at me.

Hell I even have this chick throwin' herself at me! Steffi's hot! College is looking up, indeed! Yeah I guess it doesn't suck after all.

Anneka Le'sair-Kraft's Blog
"Mel and I moved out on our own. I love this new place even if it's a little small. Bruce and Brucette are settling in nicely with us.
Shortly after we moved in, it's birthday time! I got some yummy cakes for the kids... Well for Mel and I, I guess. Since they can't eat them, yet. They're still on mushy stuff. Maybe I'll mush some of it up for them!

Bruce first with a crowd of um... I don't know who most of these people are!

Then Brucette!

She grew into this cottony, cute little pink hair, naturally! Must be the family mutations coming through! Mom loves her pink hair!

Mel caught the two of them hugging each other shortly after their birthday. Such sweet babies!

They're learning fast. Mel's teaching them about the ocean. Since she's an Oceanographer and I'm teaching them.. well, everything else! Oh! I got my teaching job, yeah! Go me!

My first pay check I got the kids this cute little Moogle plushie! It brings them a lot of happiness. As far as I'm concerned, Simoleons well spent!

This cute little dog wandered into my house, this morning and Bruce completely attached to him.

I think he adopted us, more than we adopted him. We've named him Webster.

Webster doesn't like music that much, though.

Birthday time comes so fast! They grow up so quickly!

Webster has taken it upon himself to be the guardian of the family! It's so cute!
If he could talk! I wonder what he'd say

Webster's Diary: I have decided that this family is in need of my protection. The little frail pink haired one gives me treats and love. Vintage treats 1997. Such a fine year! I shall keep them!

Bruce grew up while I wasn't lookin'! He didn't even want a fanfare or cake. Strange really!
It's a good life for us, though. We're a family. Mel, Bruce, Brucette, Webster and I!

From Isaak's brief diary!

Tammy and I moved into our own place. It was for the best. I just felt I had caused too much trouble for Lexi and Ami. I meant what I said that I loved them both. Thing is, I love Tammy, too. She's been there for me through it all since we were kids. I guess a bit like they have. She's grown up so beautiful, too.

I couldn't let the opportunity pass. So I asked her to marry me.

Thankfully, she said yes.

Hey! Don't judge! We had to initiate the house properly! And celebrate!"

legacy challenges, alexei le'sair, wicked legacy, elle le'sair, sims 2

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