New beginnings and things like that

May 07, 2012 22:53

Today I got the splints removed from my nose at the doctor's office. Septoplasty splints look like this. These things span the entire length of your nasal passage, so they had to be at least an inch-and-a-half long. And I'm like... HOW THE HELL DID THAT FIT UP MY NOSE? Anyway, after having those things clog up my nose for five days it was nice to get a breath of fresh air. But not just any breath of fresh air. It was like...

... my first breath of fresh air.

For as long as I can remember I have never been able to breathe out of both sides of my nose at the same time. A combination of deviated septum and oversized turbinates are what caused this. But after the splints came out I could breathe clearly. Amazingly clearly! Is this what breathing is supposed to feel like? Have I really been missing out this whole time? Like, I can feel the air travel all the way to the back of my nasal passages and into my windpipe. I have never felt this before. And it feels amazing.

Surgery is a pretty wonderful thing. If you were born with something that's broken you can fix it instead of having to live with it all your life. Now I can breathe perfectly through my nose and won't have to worry about mouth breathing and tossing and turning while I sleep. Maybe I'll feel less fatigued, too. Who knows what else could come of this!

Needless to say, I am very pleased with how everything went and how my nose is right now. I still have to take care that nothing bumps it as it's not fully healed. And I have to do constant nasal rinses for a week and avoid blowing my nose. Don't wanna break anything!

Happy <3


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