Title: No Angels
Pairing: Jack/Gwen
Genre: UST, fluff, humor
Rating: PG 13
Brittle air rushed in as the invisible lift arrived at street level and they emerged in the midst of a heavy snowfall.
"Come on!" Jack shouted as he grabbed Gwen's hand and began to jog, pulling her behind him as fat flakes rushed into their eyes.
She struggled to keep up on the slippery ground without losing her footing.
He stopped finally, at the edge of the park, hands on his knees to catch his breath. Then he flopped backward on the blanket of white and began flapping his arms and legs.
"Snow angels!" he said, grinning.
Gwen shook her head. "I can’t believe you dragged me out here for… this."
She breathed into her cupped palms for warmth, just as a child dodging a snowball smacked into her at full force. Gwen’s feet skittered along the pavement and her arms flailed madly as she fought to keep her balance and…failed.
She landed face down in Jack’s crotch. Of course.
"I love winter!" Jack said.