Drabble: Diary of a Chronic Secret Keeper - June 27th, 2009 (Part 178)

Jul 29, 2009 04:34

Title: Diary of a Chronic Secret Keeper - June 27th, 2009 (Part 178)
Author: dryler
Pairing: Jack/Gwen, Gwen/Rhys, Jack/Ianto... you know canon.
Summary: Gwen starts a blog as an outlet, because she really needs an outlet.
Part Rating: PG
Timeline: I once read that Torchwood was set a couple years in the future, but I’m not sure if that’s true or not, so it’s set in 2009.
A/N: Inspired by reading the blog Belle de Jour: diary of a London call girl, although this is very different.

Other parts are here

June 27th, 2009

I only just realized that my mother is still under the impression I’m engaged.

J was sitting there reading the paper and then all of a sudden he asked, “Hey, what did your mother say when you told her you weren’t really getting married?”

To which I replied, “What are you talking about?”

Then he reminded me of the whole thing.

Me: Oh, right.

J: I can’t believe you forgot you’re fake engaged to me.

Me: Key word being fake.

J: But still. What am I supposed to think?

Me: That planning a real wedding is distracting.

J: So, someone else’s real wedding completely eclipses our fake wedding?

Me: Well there’s a lot less involved in ours. No proposal, no ring, no parties, no planning, and most importantly no wedding.

J: We should pretend we’re getting married so we can have a party. I’ll even get you a ring, something pretty you can wear on another finger later.

Me: We could just have a party you know. We don’t have to make up reasons.

J: But people don’t give you presents at any old party. Think about the presents.

Me: I think we have all the kitchen appliances we need, and there’s no way in hell I’m hand washing fine china. Besides which, that seems mean.

J: So, we just invite the people we don’t really like.

Me: We’re not having a fake wedding shower.

J: Than I guess you better call your mother.

Me: I will... tomorrow... ish.

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!drabble^, writer: dryler

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